Thelypteris angustifolia (Willd.) Proctor

  • Authority

    Proctor, George R. 1989. Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 53: 1-389.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Thelypteris angustifolia (Willd.) Proctor

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizome short-creeping, 10-15 mm thick (excluding stipe bases), fleshy, scurfy-paleaceous, and giving rise to numerous coarse roots. Fronds somewhat dimorphic, the fertile ones taller, more erect, and with nanower pinnae than the sterile, mostly 35-85 cm long; stipes stout, up to 7 mm thick, brownish or straw-colored, minutely puberulous and beset with scattered, appressed, tiny peltate scales, these oval to lanceolate. Blades oblong or elliptic-oblong, 25-45 cm long, 12-32 cm broad; rhachis deeply grooved and minutely puberulous adaxially, the hairs incurved, glabrous or nearly so beneath; pinnae 8-22 pairs and a similar terminal one, lance-linear, 6-16 cm long, 0.5-2 cm broad, stalked (lowermost up to 9 mm), attenuate at apex; costae minutely puberulous or glabrate; veins numerous, very oblique, 1.5-2 mm apart, the areoles in 3-12 rows, curved-oblong. Sori numerous, close, linear-oblong, becoming confluent and usually covering the surface at maturity.

  • Discussion

    Basionym. Meniscium angustifolium Willdenow in Linnaeus, Sp. pl. 5: 133. 1810.

    Type. Bredemeyer, from Caracas, Venezuela (Herb. Willd. 19574, B).

    Syn. Polypodium salicifolium Vahl, Eclog. Amer. 3: 51. 1807, not Thelypteris salicifolia (Wallich ex Hooker) Reed, 1968. (Type. Ryan, from Montserrat, C, not seen.)

    Meniscium acrostichoides Desvaux, Mem. Soc, Linn. Paris 6: 223. 1827. (Type, Ex Herb. Besvaux, from St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, P.)

    Phegopteris angustifolia (Willdenow) Mettenius, Fil. lechl. 2: 22. 1859.

    Bryopteris angustifolia (Willdenow) Urban, Symb. Antill, 4:21. 1903.

  • Distribution

    General Distribution. Greater Antilles, St.

    United States Virgin Islands South America| Honduras Central America| Nicaragua Central America| Costa Rica South America| Panama Central America| Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Brazil South America| Ecuador South America| Peru South America| Bolivia South America|