Elaphoglossum tectum (Willd.) T.Moore

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Elaphoglossum tectum (Willd.) T.Moore

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizome short- to moderately creeping, 2-3 mm diam.; rhizome scales linear-lanceolate, dark reddish-black, sclerotic, lustrous, ca. 5 mm long, with a few pale, weak hair-teeth; phyllopodia indistinct; fronds clumped to 3 mm apart, 60-80 cm long, 1.7-2.6 cm wide; stipe 1/3-½ the frond length, with scales appressed, peltate, round with dark center and short hair-teeth; blade linear-elliptic, chartaceous, apex long-acuminate, base narrowly cuneate; veins obscure, free, simple or once-forked, mostly 0.7-1 mm apart, at ca. 80° angle; hydathodes lacking; blade scales on upper surface to glabrous with age, white, appressed, round, peltate, toothed, on the lower surface reduced to stellate hairs; fertile fronds about as long as the sterile or slightly longer but narrower blade and longer stipe (more than ½ the length), scales round, peltate on abaxial midvein but lacking among the sporangia; spores with broad, low, smooth ridges.

  • Discussion

    Acrostichum tectum Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow, Sp. pl. 5: 102. 1810. Type. Venezuela. Caripe, Humboldt s.n. (B-Willd.!; isotypes LE!, P-Humb.!). Acrostichum elongatum Kunze, Linnaea 9: 31. 1834. Elaphoglossum elongatum (Kunze) Moore, Index fil. 9. 1857. Type. Peru. “Ad Pampayaco, 1829, Herb. Kunze” (LZ, destroyed). This species is readily distinguished by the round, peltate scales on the stipe and upper blade surface and stellate hairs on the lower surface.

  • Distribution

    Terrestrial, epipetric, less commonly epiphytic in wet montane forests; Pochutla; 1350-1550 m (1750-2500 m in Guat). Mexico (Ver, Oax, Chis); Guat, CR, Pan; WI; Col & Ven to Bol & Braz.

    Mexico North America| Brazil South America| Bolivia South America| Venezuela South America| Colombia South America| West Indies| Panama Central America| Costa Rica South America| Guatemala Central America|