Elaphoglossum tambillense (Hook.) T.Moore

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Elaphoglossum tambillense (Hook.) T.Moore

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizome short-creeping, to 8 mm diam.; rhizome scales brown to maroon, stiff, to 12 mm long; phyllopodia lacking; fronds clumped, 24-55 cm long, 4.1-5.6 cm wide; stipe 1/3-½ the frond length, with scales subulate, spreading, sparse or lacking, and with a few minute, erect, glandular hairs; blade narrowly lanceolate, chartaceous, apex caudate, base cuneate to rounded; veins evident, free, once- or twice-forked, 1.5-2 mm apart, at 70-80° angle; hydathodes lacking; blade scales black, subulate, scales mostly along the margin, generally early deciduous, mature specimens with only a few or totally lacking, blade also with minute, black, stellate hairs; fertile fronds much smaller than the sterile, scales lacking among the sporangia; spores with low, narrow ridges and with holes in the spore surface.

  • Discussion

    Acrostichum tambillense Hooker, Icon. pl. 7: t. 656. 1844. Type. Ecuador. Tambillo, Jameson s.n. (K!; isotype P!). Acrostichum pallidum Baker ex Jenman, J. Bot. 17: 263. 1879. Elaphoglossum pallidum (Baker ex Jenman) Christensen, Index filic. 312. 1905. Type. Jamaica. Jenman s.n. (K!; isotype NY!). Elaphoglossum tambillense is very close to E. erinaceum but can be distinguished by its nearly glabrous blade margin and narrow, dark maroon rhizome scales.

  • Distribution

    Terrestrial, epipetric, or epiphytic in wet pine-oak woods and cloud forests; Ixtlán, Teotitlán; 1850-2550 m. Mexico (Mich, Oax, Chis); Guat, CR, Pan; Jam, Hisp; Col, Ven, Ec.

    Mexico North America| Ecuador South America| Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| West Indies| Jamaica South America| Panama Central America| Costa Rica South America| Guatemala Central America|