Cyathea fulva (M.Martens & Galeotti) Fée

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Cyathea fulva (M.Martens & Galeotti) Fée

  • Description

    Species Description - Trunks to 12 m tall, 25 cm diam.; stipes tan to stramineous, with prickles to well developed spines, scales dark brown with paler erose margins to medium brown with virtually undifferentiated margins, also with dark brown scurf of small scales and deciduous hairs; blades to 5 m long, bipinnate-pinnatifid; pinnae stalked 4–6(–11) mm, pinnules sessile except for the basal 1–3 pinnules, with stalks 1–2 mm; segments obtuse, slightly ascending, crenulate; costules with curved hairs abaxially, sparse hairs adaxially on segment midveins and abundantly hairy on costules; bullate scales pale brown on segment midveins abaxially; veins mostly 1-forked, rarely simple; sori medial, indusia globose, enclosing the sori and shattering at maturity.

  • Discussion

    Alsophila fulva M. Martens & Galeotti, Me´m. Foug. Mexique 78, pl. 23. 1842. Type. Mexico. Oaxaca: “Cordilliere Orientale, Talea,” Galeotti 6346 (BR!, frags. NY!, US!; isotypes BR!, P!).

    Cyathea delicatula Maxon, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 13: 4. 1909. Type. Guatemala. Alta Verapaz: Between Tactic and Coba´n, Tu¨rckheim II. 1629 (US!; isotype GH!).

    See R. Tryon (1976) for more complete synonymy.

    Cyathea fulva is distinct from C. divergens in its laminar hairs on the abaxial costal surfaces and consistently short-stalked (1– 2 mm) pinnules.

  • Distribution

    Wet montane forests; 800–2700(–3250) m. Mexico; Guat, Hond, Salv, Nic, CR, Pan; Col, Ven, Ec.

    Ecuador South America| Amazonas Ecuador South America| Venezuela South America| Panama Central America| Costa Rica South America| Nicaragua Central America| El Salvador Central America| Honduras Central America| Guatemala Central America| México Mexico North America|