
  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Genus Description - Terrestrial; stems erect, to 0.5 m long, apex scaly; fronds to 3.5 m long; blades pinnate to pinnate-pinnatifid; stipes smooth or spiny, spines to 7 mm long, stipe scales marginate, commonly bicolorous; axes and midribs glabrous adaxially, laminae glabrous to hairy with multicellular trichomes; basal adjacent veins forming costal areoles, or connivent at sinuses; sori subglobose, receptacles raised; indusia present, hemitelioid (saucer-shaped); spores 64 per sporangium, trilete with one large pore near center of each face on or near equator; x=69.

  • Discussion

    Type: Cnemidaria speciosa C. Presl. For synonymy, see Stolze (1974)

    Cnemidaria is a neotropical genus of about 25 species with two in Mexico. The genus is distinct among cyatheoid tree ferns by the pinnate-pinnatifid fronds, marginate stipe scales, glabrous adaxial costae, hemitelioid indusia, and triporate spores.