Cheilanthes beitelii Mickel

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Cheilanthes beitelii Mickel

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Cheilanthe sinuatae affinis sed his notulis diversa: rhizomatis squamae basi 0.3-0.5 mm latae; frondes ad 80 cm longae; frondi stipes 3-4 plobrevior; pinnae maximae 13-35 mm longae, 8-18 mm latae; pinnarum lamina abaxialis sine pilis brevibus ferrugineo-glandulosis; laminae adaxialis pili decidui, 1 mm longi. (Dedicated to my friend and colleague Joseph M. Beitel.)

    Species Description - Similar to C. sinuata except: rhizome scales 0.3-0.5 mm at base; fronds to 80 cm, stipe ¼-1/3 the frond length; blade pinnate-pinnatifid, lobed ca. ½ way to midvein, 3-5 pairs of acute lobes, largest pinnae (near middle of frond) 13-35 mm long, 8-18 mm wide; underside of pinnae without short, red-brown, glandular hairs; hairs on upper side deciduous, 1 mm long.

  • Discussion

    Type. Mexico. Oaxaca: Dist. Sola de Vega, 23-29 km S of Sola de Vega, 27-33 km N of bridge at Juchatengo, 5200-6200' [1580-1890 m], 11 Aug 1971, Mickel 6316 (NY!). This new species in the C. sinuata complex seems to be concentrated in the central valley of southern Mexico. The large (13-35 mm long, 818 mm wide) pinnae, which have deciduous scales on the upper surface and lack short, glandular hairs on the undersurface, distinguish this taxon from C. sinuata s.s. and C. crassifolia. Other specimens are from the states of Jalisco (both MICH), Detling 8986 (San Juan Cosalá, 2174 m) and McVaugh 15069 (vic. San Luis Soyatlán, 1500-1600 m); Michoacán (NY), Hinton 12687 (S of Naranjillo, 1460 m); and Veracruz (NY), Bourgeau 253 bis (Orizaba) and Müller 69 and 721 (Orizaba).

  • Distribution

    Dry, rocky slopes; Ixtlán, Mia-huatlán, Sola de Vega, Tlacolula, Tlaxiaco; 1050- 2100 m. Mexico (Jal, Hgo, Ver, Oax). Oaxaca collections: 1653, 1666, 3709, 3881, 3906, 3920, 6290, 6316, 6344; Camp 2236, 2236B (TSTY); Roe et al. 406 (US); Rzedowski 21317, 21389 (MICH, NY).

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