Asplenium trichomanes L.
Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Roots filamentous, wiry, not proliferous; rhizomes shortcreeping to erect; rhizome scales blackish, clathrate or with central black band and clathrate edges, lumina very small, 1.5–2.5 x 0.1–0.3 mm, entire; fronds clumped, 7–20 cm long; stipes castaneouscastaneous to atropurpureous, lustrous, 1–4 cm x 0.5–0.8 mm, 1/6–1/4 the blade length, glabrous, with tan inconspicuous adaxial wings [less than, equal to] 0.1 mm wide; blades chartaceous, narrowly linearoblong, 1-pinnate, 6–15 cm x 4–10 mm, bases slightly narrowed, apices confluent, not proliferous; rachises castaneous, lustrous, glabrous, adaxially with tan wings 0.1–0.2 mm wide; pinnae short-oblong, 10–20(–30) pairs, 4–7 x 1–4 mm, stalked to 1 mm, ultimately articulate, dimidiate, apices rounded, margins entire to slightly crenulate, sometimes revolute; veins 1-forked, tips not evident adaxially; indument abaxially absent, blades glabrous; sori 2–5 pairs per pinna, on both sides of midveins, occasionally diplazioid; indusia 0.5–1.5 x 0.2–0.4 mm, margins entire to suberose; spores reniform; 2n=72, 144 (USA).
Lectotype (chosen by Viane in Jonsell & Jarvis, 1994: 150). Europe. Herb. Burser XX: 14 (UPS, microfiche UC!). See also Reichstein, 1981; Lovis, 1964).
Presumably, the Mexican specimens are subsp. trichomanes, the diploid cytotype (thus agreeing with specimens from southwestern United States). Tetraploid plants, subsp. quadrivalens D. E. Meyer, are generally more northern in distribution and grow on calcareous (vs. acidic) substrates. Other subspecies, with hexaploid number of chromosomes, are known from Madeira and New Zealand. Asplenium trichomanes is most similar to A. palmeri in Mexico, differing from that in the nonproliferous blades.
In sheltered crevices of ledges and cliffs; ca. 2500 m. Can, USA (Ga, w to Calif and Alaska); Mexico; Eurasia.
Canada North America| California United States of America North America| Alaska United States of America North America| Georgia United States of America North America|