Cottendorfia maguirei L.B.Sm.
Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1974. Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (1): 1-658. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
TYPE. Maguire, Fires & Maguire 60478 (holotype US; isotype NY), frequent along open slopes to base of cliffs, Rio Negro, Rio Cauaburí, Serra da Neblina, 2550-2700 m alt, Amazonas, Brazil, 2 Dec 1965.
Description - Plant flowering 3-4 cm high; stem unknown. Leaves to 21 cm long; sheaths suborbicular, 2-3 cm long, stramineous; blades narrowly triangular but not pungent, 3 cm wide, laxly vestite throughout with fine white lacerate scales but soon glabrous, very narrowly cartilaginous-margined, obscurely serrulate near base. Scape straight or curved, 1 cm in diameter at base, densely vestite with white lacerate or linear scales; scape-bracts erect, subfoliaceous, exceeding the internodes but the upper ones not covering the scape. Inflorescence bipinnate, subdense but interrupted at base, densely tomentose-lepidote except the petals; primary bracts about equaling the branches, subtriangular; branches divergent or spreading, the lowest 6 cm long including the long sterile base, densely flowered. Floral bracts linear, exceeding the pedicels; pedicels slender, to 8 mm long. Sepals narrowly ovate, obtuse, 10 mm long, thin, greenish; petals broadly obovate, 15 mm long, white; anthers deeply cordate at base; ovules short-caudate.
Known from the type collection only.
Amazonas Brazil South America| Brazil South America|