Loreya subandina Wurdack
Renner, Susanne S. 1989. Systematic studies in the Melastomataceae Bellucia, Loreya and Macairea. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 50: 1-112.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Tree, 6-15 m high. Branchlets angular, strigose, glabrescent; bark light tan, longitudinally fissured. Leaves 17-30 x 7-17 cm, elliptic, sometimes slightly dentate, narrowly acute, broadly acute at base, membranaceous, on both surfaces sparsely strigulose, above glabrescent except on the mid-vein and lateral primaries, 7-pli-nerved, the inner pair of lateral primaries departing 4-8.5 cm above the blade base; petioles 2-5 cm long. Flowers in subsessile clusters, the peduncle 1-3 mm long; pedicels 10-15 mm long; hypanthium 7-8 mm long, densely strigulose with longer and minute hairs; petals white or pink, 15-18 x 7-9 mm, elliptic, apex irregular; filaments 6-7 mm long; anthers 5-5.5 mm long, 2-pored; style 13-15 mm long; stigma 2.5-3.0 mm diam.; ovary 10-locular. Fruit a strigulose, subglabrescent, yellow or red tinged berry, ca. 1.3 cm diam. Seeds wedge-shaped with an elongate lateral hilum, bulging testa cells forming an irregular pattem.
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution and ecology (Fig. 20): Loreya subandina occurs in riparian vegetation, sometimes on periodically inundated soils, in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia; low to 700 m elevation.
Type: Bolivia. La Paz: Nr. Sarampiuni, San Carlos, Mapiri, Buchtien 1034 (holotype: US!; isotype: HBG!).
Local names: sau-chinchak, tunkia (Peru).
Loreya subandina is illustrated in Wurdack (1980a: 319, fig. 33). The species has a 10-celled ovary; in this character and general facies it resembles L. spruceana. It diflfers from that species in its 2-pored anthers and its leaf venation, with the inner pair of lateral primaries diverging 4-8.5 cm above the base (vs. 1.7-2 cm in L. spruceana).