Hackelia ursina A.Gray
Gentry, Johnnie L. & Carr, Robert L. 1976. A revision of the genus Hackelia (Boraginaceae) in North America north of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 26: 121-227.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Biennial or sometimes annual, (2-)3-9(-14) dm tall; stems from a short taproot, erect, one to few, sometimes branching near the base, reflexed- or spreading-hispid or hirsute below, sometimes with spreading hairs to the branches of the inflorescences, spreading- or subappressed-hispid or hirsute and strigose or only strigose above. Leaves hispid or hirsute, sometimes with conspicuously pustulate-based hairs, the hairs subappressed or erect; basal leaves generally withering early, 2.5-10(-14.5) cm long, 5-15 mm wide, oblanceolate, long petiolate, obtuse; cauline leaves ascending, (l-)2.5-10.5(-13) cm long, 4-20(-40) mm wide, the lower ones petiolate, oblanceolate to oblong or linear-oblong, sometimes elliptic or elliptic-oblong, the upper cauline leaves lanceolate or ovate, obtuse or acute, progressively reduced upward, the bracts evident throughout the inflorescence. Pedicels 3-7(-ll) mm long in fruit. Calyx lobes 1.5-3 mm long, oblong or lanceolate, subappressed-hispid. Corolla limb white, sometimes yellowish, or rarely marked with blue, 5-11 mm wide, the tube 1.5-2.5 mm long, generally shorter than the calyx lobes. Fornices with appendages conspicuously papillate-puberulent, about as broad as long, the protuberance 2 times as long as broad. Anthers 0.8-1.1 mm long. Nutlets 2-2.5(-3.5) mm long, ovate or lanceolate; dorsal surface verrucose-hispidulous, sometimes thinly hispidu-lous or smooth and shining, the intramarginal prickles absent or present, then l-5(-10), (0.2-)0.5-1.3 mm long; marginal prickles distinct or slightly connate at their bases, sometimes connate 1/3 to 1/2 their length into a wing, (1.0)-1.5-3.0(-3.5) mm long, 7-11 on each side, a long and a short prickle alternating. Chromosome number, unknown.