Hackelia cronquistii J.L.Gentry
Gentry, Johnnie L. & Carr, Robert L. 1976. A revision of the genus Hackelia (Boraginaceae) in North America north of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 26: 121-227.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Perennial 2-6.5 dm tall; stems from a taproot and compactly branched caudex, erect, glabrous below the middle, sparsely antrorse-strigose above. Leaves hirsute to subappressed-hirsute or strigose, sometimes hispidulous; basal leaves usually persistent, 6-14(-21) cm long, 5-20(-35) mm wide, narrowly elliptic or lance-elliptic, long petiolate, acute; cauline leaves strongly ascending, 2.5-11(-14.5) cm long, 2-8(-13) mm wide, narrowly elliptic to narrowly oblong or sometimes lanceolate, mostly sessile, narrowly acute, progressively smaller upward, the bracts generally small and inconspicuous in the inflorescence. Pedicels 8-14 mm long in fruit. Calyx lobes 1.7-2.8 mm long, oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, subappressed-hirsute-hispid. Corolla limb white tinged with blue, 8-15 mm wide; tube 2-2.2 mm long, shorter than to slightly exceeding the calyx lobes. Fornices with appendages papillate to papillate-puberulent, broad as long, the protuberance about 2 times as long as broad. Anthers 0.7-1.1 mm long. Nutlets (2.5-)3-3.5 mm long, lanceolate to lance-ovate; dorsal surface strongly verrucose-hispidulous, the intramarginal prickles 4-14, much shorter than the marginal ones, (0.2-)0.5-1.2 mm long; marginal prickles generally distinct at their bases, (1.5-)2-3.5(-4) mm long, 4-6 on each side, generally a long and a short prickle alternating. Chromosome number, unknown.
H. patens var semiglabra Cronq., Leaf! W. Bot. 10: 39. 1963. Type. OREGON. Malheur County: sandy sagebrush slopes 11 miles southwest of Vale, T19S R43E S23, elevation 2500 feet, May 4, 1959, A. Cronquist 8184 (holotype, NY!; isotypes, DAO!, MICH!, TEX!, UTC!, WS!, WTU!). Hackelia cronquistii is another species with a narrow distributional range, known only from southeastern Oregon in sagebrush areas. It was first collected by Leiberg in 1896; his material, Leiberg 2021, represents good flowering specimens. The species has been collected a few times since, but confused with H. jessicae (=H. micrantha), and H. patens. This species is obviously closely related to Hackelia patens. It was treated as a variety of that species by Cronquist. There is neither population intergradation nor morphological overlap with H. patens. The nearest known collection for H. patens is some 150 miles east in Blaine County, Idaho, and about 2,000 feet higher than the highest recorded elevation for H. cronquistii. Cronquist found no intermediates but felt that, in view of the overall similarity of the new taxon to H. patens, it should be maintained at the varietal level until a more thorough study was possible. The present study confirms the specific distinctiveness which he suspected. Hackelia cronquistii is readily distinguished from H. patens by the glabrous stem below and thinly strigose above, and the papillate to papillate-puberulent fornices. This species was named for Dr. Arthur Cronquist, who first pointed out the salient features of this taxon, and who was the collector of the type specimen.
Habitat and distribution (Fig. 15). On sandy sagebrush slopes, sometimes on moist slopes in ravines at elevations of 2,100 to 2,500 feet, known only from southeastern Oregon. Flowers from early to mid-May.
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