Rourea discolor Baker
Isely, Duane. 1981. Leguminosae of the United States. III. Subfamily Papilionoideae: tribes Sophoreae, Podalyrieae, Loteae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 25 (3): 1-264.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Treelet (?); branchlets terete, glabrous, conspicuously lenticellate. Leaves imparipinnate, (5-)6-12-jugate; petiole 1-3 cm long, glabrous; rachis 5-12 cm long, glabrous. Leaflets (1.5-)3-3.5(-5.5) cm long, (0.7-)1.5-2 cm broad, oblong-rectangular, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, the upper surface glabrous, the lower surface glaucous, papillose, tomentose, the midrib glabrescent or glabrous, the apex rounded or obtuse, the base obtuse or subcordate, the margin revolute; petiolule 0.03-0.1 cm long; venation reticulate, diffuse; lateral veins 4-6 pairs, diverging from midrib at angles of 50°-70°, joining clearly near margin. Inflorescence paniculate, axillary to pseudoterminal, the rachilla 7-11 cm long, glabrous or glabrescent, glandular hairs absent; bracts 0.1 cm long, more or less linear; bracteoles small, linear. Pedicels articulate, erect, slender, glabrous, 0.8-l(-1.5) cm long above articulation; sepals 0.5-0.7 cm long, 0.2-0.25 cm broad, ligulate-lanceolate, glabrous or glabrescent without, glabrescent within, glandular hairs absent, the margin ciliate; petals 0.8 cm long, 0.2 cm wide, connate above the base, glabrous; stamens 10, five short ca. 0.2 cm long, five long ca. 0.3 cm long, the tube 0.8-1 mm long; anthers globose; ovary pilose, ca. 0.1 cm long; style pubescent, ca. 0.5 cm long; stigma subpeltate, two-lobed. Fruit unknown.
Eichleria lucida Progel in Martius, Fl. Brasil. 12(2): 518, tab. 116, fig. 2. 1877. Types examined (G, P): Brazil, Bahia, “partie méridionale.” Blanchet 3145A fl. 1840. Santalodes discolor (Baker) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 1: 155. 1891. Rourea progeliana Kuhlmann, Arq. Inst. Biol. Veg. 1: 40. 1934. Holotype examined (BR): Brazil, Bahia, Ilheos. Luschnath s.n. fl. 4 Sep 1839. Rourea discolor and R. blanchetiana superficially resemble the Oxalidaceae in many features, and Progel and Moricand, in fact, mistook them for members of that family. Kuhlmann (1934) corrected this mistake showing that these species have a pair of basal erect ovules and not numerous ovules with axile placentation.
Distribution. Known only from the Brazilian state of Bahia.
Brazil South America|