Duroia macrophylla Huber

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1965. The Botany of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 12 (3): 1-285.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Duroia macrophylla Huber

  • Type

    Type. Ad flum. Cumina-mirim, Brazil, 16 Decembre 1906, A. Ducke 7970 (holotype M G , isotype NY).

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Amazonian basin of Brazil.

  • Discussion

    Coupoui brasiliensis "Wernh., Jour. Bot. 58: 107. 1920, type: region des cataractes Rio Tapajoz, Para, Brazil, 3-1-1918, A. Ducke 16872 (holotype K, isotype US). A specimen of Ducke 22881 from Obidos, Para, has calyx-tubes 19-22 mm long with elongated teeth 2-3 m m long and pedicels elongated from 15-34 mm, whereas Ducke 15570 from Rio Cumina-mirim, Trombetas, Para, has the calyxtubes 11-20 mm long with shorter teeth 0.5-0.75 mm long and pedicels of the staminate flowers 10-18 mm long.

  • Distribution

    Distribution. Amazonian basin of Brazil.

    Brazil South America|