
  • Authority

    Isely, Duane. 1981. Leguminosae of the United States. III. Subfamily Papilionoideae: tribes Sophoreae, Podalyrieae, Loteae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 25 (3): 1-264.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Genus Description - Trees and shrubs with simple, often conspicuously pulvinate leaves. Stipules usually small, deciduous. Flowers papilionaceous, in axillary clusters or short racemes or panicles; bracts inconspicuous; bracteoles variously positioned, minute or conspicuous. Calyx shortly lobed, two-lipped or spathaceous and splitting. Corolla yellow or white, the petals short-clawed or tapered at base; standard broadly ovate to oblate; wings obovate to oblong; keel petals oblong-carinate, barely upcurved, obtuse, posteriorly coherent. Stamens free, subequal, upcurved; anthers short, basifixed. Pistil subsessile with 2-4 ovules; style incurved; stigma terminal, minute. Legume oblong or oblanceolate, acute or acuminate, commonly upcurved, laterally compressed, dehiscent; valves coriaceous, somewhat elastic. Seeds 1-several, with an inconspicuous rim-aril.

  • Discussion

    x = 22 (Mangenot and Mangenot, 1962).

  • Distribution

    Primarily of Africa, ca. 80 species. Two reported in the United States. See also Hortus Third entries (Bailey Hort., 1976) in addendum.

    Africa| United States of America North America|