Croton spruceanus Benth.
Maguire, Bassett. 1965. The Botany of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 12 (3): 1-285.
Scientific Name
Type. "Among inundated rocks at the falls of San Gabriel do Cachoeira of Rio Negro, Brazil, R. Spruce 2205'' (photo NY).
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Shrub or small tree, along the Amazon and Rio Negro south to the Bolivian border, north to Cerro Duida. BRAZIL. Terr. Rondonia [Guapore]: Madeira Falls, on Bolivian border, Oct 1886, Rusby 2622 ([male] [female] fl. NY). Para: San Miguel, Rio Guama, Jan 1945, Froes 20267 ([male] [female] fl. NY). VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Forest, Cano Negro, southeastern base of Cerro Duida, alt. 215 m, 23 Aug 1944, Steyermark 57912 (fr. NY).
Although Bentham's original description claims "venis . . . infimis, additis interdum utrinque 1-2 tenuibus ex eodem puncto,'' the photo of the type shows distinctly pennate nervature. Of special interest is Steyermark's observation on the label of 57912, from the base of Cerro Duida, that it is a "vining shrub." A similar observation on the related C. pullei was made by the collector Stahel (n. 76), first accepted, later rejected by Lanjouw (Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 36: 698. 1939). I have seen only one fruit {Steyermark 57912), and this confirms Bentham's original observation that: '' calyx . . circa capsulam maturam globoso conicus, 7 lin. diametro, capsulam superans. ..."
Distribution. Shrub or small tree, along the Amazon and Rio Negro south to the Bolivian border, north to Cerro Duida.
Brazil South America| Venezuela South America|