Lysiloma microphyllum var. thornberi (Britton & Rose) Isely

  • Authority

    Isley, Duane. 1973. Leguminosae of the United States: I. Subfamily. Mimosoideae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 25 (1): 1-152.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Lysiloma microphyllum var. thornberi (Britton & Rose) Isely

  • Description

    Species Description - Glabrate or puberulent shrub or small tree. Leafstalk usually puberulent; gland 1, domed to short-columnar below proximal pinnae, or several; pinnae 4-7 pairs; leaflets 15-20 pairs, shortly oblong, 4-6 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide; secondary venation evident or not. Stipules evident on young growth. Heads ca 1 cm diam, whitish, on slender peduncles, clustered near branch tips. Legume shortly stipitate (.3-1 cm), oblong, flat, sometimes undulate margined, 8-12 cm long, ca 1 cm wide; valves heavily membranous.

  • Discussion

    L. thornberi Britt. & Rose L. microphylla auct. L. watsonii subsp. thornberi (Britt. & Rose) Felger & Lowe Among diverse taxonomic opinions on this local Lysiloma voiced by Benson & Darrow (1944), Kearney & Peebles (1960), Isely (1970b), Felger & Lowe (1970), Felger & Lowe are certainly correct in their assertion that closest relationship is with the contiguous L. watsonii Rose. If L. watsonii is judged specifically distinct from L. microphylla, their combination is the appropriate one.

  • Distribution

    S Arizona, Pima Co. Ledges, lower elevations of the Rincon Mts., ca 3500 ft. May-June. Reported in cultivation in California (Mathias & McClintock, 1963).

    United States of America North America|