Rapatea longipes var. modesta Maguire
Maguire, Bassett. 1965. The Botany of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 12 (3): 1-285.
Scientific Name
Type. In sandy savanna, bracts and flowers white, interior regions of Trapecio between Amazon and Putumayo watersheds, alt. about 100 m, Amazonas, Colombia, Nov 1945, R. E. Schultes 6900 (holotype N Y ).
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. COLOMBIA. Amazonas: Trapecio between Amazon and Putumayo watersheds, Oct 1945, Schultes 6899 (COL) ; without definite locality, Schidtes d Black 46-361 (NY).
Bapatea modesta Maguire, Bot. Mus. Leafll. Harvard Univ. 14: 112. 1950. Intermediate to var. longipes is: Rio Piraparana, Rio Apaporis, Vaupes, Colombia, Schultes d Cabrera 17500. From the few specimens collected, the var. modesta seems to occupy the Putumayo watershed and thus is geographically distinct from the var. longipes which occupies the more northern and eastern Vaupes and Rio Negro-Guainia watersheds.
Distribution. COLOMBIA. Amazonas: Trapecio between Amazon and Putumayo watersheds, Oct 1945, Schultes 6899 (COL) ; without definite locality, Schidtes d Black 46-361 (NY).
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