Calyptrocarya glomerulata (Brongn.) Urb.

  • Authority

    Koyama, Tetsuo M. 1967. The systematic significance of leaf structure in the tribe Sclerieae (Cyperaceae). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 16: 46-70.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Calyptrocarya glomerulata (Brongn.) Urb.

  • Description

    Species Description - Swollen epidermal cells at median adaxial groove differentiated from the rest of intercostal epidermal cells, ovate or broadly ovate, few bulliform (Fig. 18). Several adaxial epidermal cells on both sides of lateral costas strikingly large, rectangular or nearly cubic (Fig. 19) ; adaxial fiber strand inserted between these groups of giant epidermal cells (Fig. 17 scl). Cells of the portions of epidermis uniformly small, rectangular. Mesophyll (Fig. 26) differentiated into palisade and spongy chlorenchyma; palisade tissue 1-layered; spongy tissue with loosely arranged transversely oblong cells, producing scattered small intercellular spaces; some cells of spongy mesophyll lobed, but not stellate; large transversely elliptic tannin cells scattered in spongy mesophyll. Vascular bundles of varying size arranged in one row in spongy mesophyll; bundle sheaths double; inner bundle sheath lignified; cells of outer bundle sheath thin-walled, nearly the same size as those of the inner sheath. Large vascular bundles supported by a well-developed abaxial crescentiform girder and an adaxial fiber strand; small vascular bundles with a small abaxial girder only. One marginal small vascular bundle adaxially located in palisade chlorenchyma, supported by an adaxial low girder.

  • Discussion

    Note. Anatomical descriptions of the transverse section of leaf blades are also available for Calyptrocarya bicolor and C. angustifolia (Koyama, 1965). In all these three plants the adaxial epidermis consists of several giant cubic cells on both sides of the lateral costas, and a single marginal vascular bundle on both sides of the leaf blades is without exception located adaxially whereas all other vascular bundles are arranged abaxially.