Cassia bartlettii Standl.
Irwin, Howard S. 1964. Monographic Studies in Cassia (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae). I. Section Xerocalyx. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 12 (1): 1-114.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Erect shrub or subshrub to 1.5 m , with few to several strongly ascending patently pilose branches. Stipules wholly or partly obscuring the upper stem, cordate-lanceolate to narrowly cordate-ovate, acute or obtuse and mucronate, 0.7-1.4 cm long, 2.2-4.7 mm broad, glabrous, often ciliolate. Petiole 3.0-5.5 mm long, the adaxial groove pubescent, the abaxial surface pubescent and often pilose with distally directed hairs; rachis 0.3-0.5 as long as the petiole. Gland 1, scutellate or shallowly urceolate, 0.3-0.7 mm broad, sessile or subsessile. Leaflets bijugate, the inferior pair often larger, joined to rachis by a small, arcuate or semi-orbiculai, brown or black pulvinule 0.6-1.1 mm long, oblancolate to oblong-obovate, oblique or somewhat falcate, glabrous, firmly membranaceous, 1.4-2.2 cm long, 4.2-7.0 mm broad; margins often ciliolate, the apex obtuse or rounded. Flowers solitary or in pairs; pedicels straight yellow-pubescent or -pilose, 1.5-2.7 cm long and ca. 0.4 mm thick in flower, up to 3.1 cm long and 0.8 mm thick in fruit; bracts 2, ovate, 2.0-2.6 mm long, 1.3-1.7 mm broad; bracteoles subopposite, broadly lanceolate, 3.8-4.9 mm long, 2.0-2.7 mm broad; sepals lanceolate, glabrous, 0.8-1.6 cm long, 2.7-4.0 mm broad; petals 1.4-1.7 cm long, 1.1-1.3 cm broad; ovary yellow- or gray-pilose. Pod narrowly oblong, 3.3-4.2 cm long, 6.5-7.6 mm broad, faces usually somewhat sulcate between the seeds, yellow-hispid, the sutures densely so. Seeds 11-15, slightly flattened, 3.7-5.0 mm long, 1.9-2.4 mm broad. Chromosome number: not determined.
The distribution of this species west of British Honduras is at this time entirely speculative, but may be regarded as likely. The type itself is from the El Cayo district, near the western border of British Honduras. The Mocifio and Sesse collection was probably made between June and December of 1796, during which time Mocifio and his party were presumably in the mountains between Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico, and Guatemala City (Rickett, 1947). While their route in this area is evidently not known, they could have deviated eastward and descended the slopes at least to a level that would have brought them in contact with the lowland vegetation of northeastern Guatemala and adjacent British Honduras. This area, like much of the Yucatan Peninsula, is still little explored.
Holotype examined (MICH) : British Honduras, "Mountain Pine Ridge." H . H . Bartlett 11649. 12 Feb. 1931.
Distribution: British Honduras, and possibly adjacent Guatemala. Occurring in open woods, often on sandy ridges, from sea level to 1000 feet elevation.
Belize Central America| Guatemala Central America|