Leucosarmentum portoricense Fulford

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1968. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part III. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 277-392.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Leucosarmentum portoricense Fulford

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Folia plerumque plana, late patentia, segmenti basi 4-5 cellulis latitudine; cellulae 39-45 X 26 µ, margine bractearum bracteolarumque dentibus ciliisque.

    Species Description - Plants of small to medium size, whitish green, in loose mats or among other bryophytes; leafy stems 0.5-1.5 cm long, from a stolon-like leafless caudex or from stolon-like flagelliform branches 2-4 cm or more long, rarely branched; branches of the caudex and the flagelliform branches axillary-intercalary, leafy or flagelliform, the occasional branches of the leafy stem ventral-intercalary in the axils of the underleaves, leafy or flagelliform; leafy stem in transverse section with the dorsal cortical cells larger than the ventral, and larger than the cells of the medulla. Rhizoids abundant, on the underleaves or in tufts in three rows on the caudex and flagelliform branches. Leaf insertion oblique, the leaves succubous. Leaves approximate to imbricate, plane to somewhat concave, ovate, bifid to one-half the length, the segments long, slender, the cells mostly longer than broad; cells of the base of the segment 39-45 X 26 µ, the walls uniformly thickened, without trigones, the cuticle verruculose. Underleaves one-third to one-half as long as the leaves, bifid (some trifid) to the middle, the segments narrow. Plants dioicous. Male inflorescence terminal becoming intercalary on the leafy stem, the bracts and bracteoles densely imbricate in 5-10 series, similar to the leaves and underleaves. Female inflorescence tufted, on a very short branch, from the caudex or a flagelliform branch, usually hidden by the leafy stems, the bracts and bracteoles in 3 or 4 series, the outer series bifid with the margins entire or nearly so, the innermost series bifid, ciliatelaciniate, and the margins variously toothed and ciliate. Perianth longer than the bracts, cylindrical below, with 3 broad keels above, the lobes of the mouth variously ciliate and laciniate, the cilia mostly of 2 long cells. Capsule dark brown, the wall of 2 layers of cells with characteristic markings. Seta in transverse section of an outer layer of to 9 or more large cells surrounding a core of somewhat smaller cells. Vegetative reproduction from ovoid masses of cells on the caudex or flagelliform branches which become detached and give rise to new axes.

  • Distribution

    Habitat: Moist shaded soil banks. PUERTO RICO: El Yunque: La Mina USDA Station, 1020 m, Fuljord, Crandall & Stotler 164 ($, $) (type Hb Fulford).

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