Micropterygium trachyphyllum Reimers
Fulford, Margaret H. 1966. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part II. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 173-276.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Leafy stems of medium to large size, dull, light to olive-green or brown, complanate, ascending from a branched rhizome, in extensive cushions or mats or among other bryophytes; stems 2—1 cm long, with leaves 0.8-1.5 mm wide, branches frequent, lateral branches leafy, ventral flagelliform branches occasional. Rhizoids in tufts from the scale-leaves of flagelliform branches and the rhizome. Leaves spreading to patent, imbricate, flattened, long-ovate, concave, acute, the wing to five cells wide, extending from the apex to beyond the middle or to the base, the margins crenulate, serrate, dentate and incised; leaf cells mostly quadrate, 14-18 µ, a conspicuous mamillose projection over the ventral surface of most cells, the walls thickened, trigones distinct, the cuticle finely to coarsely verruculose. Underleaves large, broader than the stem, orbicular to truncateovate, the upper margin undulate or 1- to 4-toothed. Plants dioicous, the male and female inflorescences usually on short sexual branches from near the base of the leafy stem. Male inflorescence basal, very rarely terminal on the stem, the bracts in two to flve or more pairs, small, concave, inflated, the bracteoles ovate; antheridia two, in the axil of a bract. Female bracts and bracteoles in several series, the innermost series the longest, long laciniate-ciliate above. Perianth to 6 mm long, the mouth long ciliate-laciniate. S])orophyte not seen. Pl. 61. Fig. 13, a-g.
Jungermannia pterygophyllum Nees var. ß conferta Lehmann, Pug. PL 6: 59. 1834.
Micropterygium vulgare Nees, Lindenberg & Gottsche, var. ß in G. L. & N. Syn. Hep. 234. 1844. [excl. loc. cit.: "Mart. icon. . . "]
Micropterygium vulgare Nees, Lindenberg & Gottsche, var. /3 in Lindenberg & Gottsche, Spec. Hep. VIII-XI: 114. PL 21, /. 11-14- 1851. [excl. loc. cit.: "Mart. icon. . ."]
Micropterygium pterygophyllum (Nees) Trevisan p.p. Mem. 1st. Lomb. III. 4: 413. 1877.
Micropterygium pterygophyllum Spruce, Trans. Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 15: 384. 1885. [excl. loc. cit.: "J. pterygophyllum Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras, icon., T. 19."]
Micropterygium pterygophyllum Spruce apud Stephani, Spec. Hep. 3: 543. 1909. [excl. loc. cit.]
Micropterygium trachyphyllum var. cubense Reimers, Hedwigia 73: 188. f. 16, 1-3. 1933.
Micropterygium trachyphyllum var. jamaicense Reimers, Hedwigia 73: 190. f. 16, 1-5. 1933.
Micropterygium trachyphyllum var. guadeloupense Reimers, Hedwigia 73: 190. f. 17. 1933.
Micropterygium trachyphyllum var. guyanense Reimers, Hedwigia 73: 192. f. 18. 1933.
Micropterygium trachyphyllum var. brasiliense Reimers, Hedwigia 73: 195. f. 19. 1933.
Habitat: On trees, logs, rocks and banks in wet forests. CUBA: Oriente: Sierra Maestra, Morton 9460a p.p., 9461 p.p. (US); "La Bayamesa" 1725-1750 m, Ekman 7185, 7186, 14628 (S-PA); Moa Region, Webster 814 (MICH); Cobre Range. León, Clement & Roca 10246 (NY, Y) ; Loma Joaquin 1600 m. Ekman 5316 p.p. (S-PA) ; Loma Mensura, 975 m, Ekman 5764 (S-PA); without locality, Yuncker 12598 (DPU); without locahty, Wright, Hep. Cub. Wrightiariae, =var. cubense Reim. (NY, US, Y). JAMAICA: Caledonia Peak. M .
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