Calypogeia cellulosa (Spreng.) Steph.

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1968. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part III. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 277-392.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Calypogeia cellulosa (Spreng.) Steph.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants of small to medium size, olive-green becoming yellowish, in depressed mats or among other bryophytes; stems to 2 cm or more long, with leaves, to 1.5 mm wide, irregularly branched; branches ventral-intercalary, one or two from the axil of an underleaf, leafy or more rarely flagelliform or short sexual. Rhizoids occasional, long, bulbous or branched at the tips, often brownish, in tufts from small cells on the base of an underleaf. Line of leaf insertion slightly oblique, nearly longitudinal. Leaves approximate to imbricate, bordered, widely spreading, tending to be slightly falcate, plane or becoming decurved in the outer part, more or less rectangular in outline, 0.6-0.7 X 0.4-0.5 mm, the dorsal base scarcely curved, the ventral base long decurrent, the apex broad, truncate-rounded, the margin deeply crenulate; leaf border a row of cells elongate at a right angle to the margin, the cells to 40 X 15-20 µ; cells of the apical region 30-45 X 25-33 µ, the walls uniformly thickened, the trigones tiny or absent, the cuticle papillose. Underleaves orbicular, often twice as wide as the stem, undivided to retuse, the cells large, the margin entire or crenulate. Plants dioicous. Female inflorescence solitary or in pairs, the bracts and bracteoles in 3 or 4 series, small; archegonia five to ten. Perigynium, sporophyte and male inflorescence not seen.

  • Discussion

    Jungermannia cellulosa Sprengel, Syst. Veg. 4: 232. 1827. Mastigobryum cellulosum Lindenberg in G. L. & N. Syn. Hep. 217. 1845. Kantia cellulosa (Sprengel) Spruce, Trans. Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 15: 412. 1885. Jungermannia cellularis Sprengel, in Hb.

  • Distribution

    Habitat: In mats or among other bryophytes, on trees and decayed logs in forests.

    Cuba South America| Puerto Rico South America| West Indies| Guadeloupe South America| Dominica South America|