Telaranea tetradactyla (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs.

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1966. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part II. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 173-276.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Telaranea tetradactyla (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants small, filamentous, in hght yellow-green tufts or mats; stems slender 3-4 cm long, more or less radial, often erect, densely leafy above, regularly pinnate to bi- or tripinnate, the lateral branches long, the half-leaf bifid, ventral branches occasional, leafy throughout or with smaller leaves for some distance, then becoming densely leafy above; stems in transverse section with a cortical layer of 18 or 12 large cells surrounding a medulla of smaller cells. Rhizoids from small cells of the bases of the underleaves and the base of the female branch. Line of leaf insertion transverse. Stem leaves distant to approximate, rectangular to cuneate in outline, divided to two-thirds or four-fifths of their length into mostly four (sometimes five or six) segments, the lamina two cells high at the margins, two or three cells high between or one cell high at the margins and two or three cells high between, usually eight (ten or twelve) cells wide, the cells quadrate to rectangular, thin walled; segments uniseriate, four or five cells long, sometimes curved, the cells of the lower part averaging 73 × 21 µ. Underleaves similar, the segments four or five cells long, the lamina mostly two cells high throughout, eight (ten or twelve) cells wide. Branch leaves and underleaves with one or two segment less. Plants dioicous. Female inflorescence terminal on a leafy branch, more rarely on a short ventral branch, the bracts and bracteoles in four series, the outermost series quadrifid to one-half of their length, the intermediate series divided to one-third of their length into four segments with a few short cilia on the margins, the innermost series divided to one-half of their length, the segments undivided. Perianth 4-5 mm long, cylindrical to fusiform, with three rounded keels above, the mouth contracted, long ciliate with simple cilia. Capsule long ovoid, brown with the characteristic brown thickenings. Seta with an outer row of 16 large cells surrounding many smaller cells. Male inflorescence not seen. Pl. 53. Fig. 5, a-g.

  • Discussion

    Jungermannia tetradactyla Hooker, f. & T. Taylor, London Jour. Bot. 3: 386, 475. 1845.

    Lepidozia tetradactyla T. Taylor in G. L. & N. Syn. Hep. 213. 1845.

    Lepidozia lindenbergii Gottsche in G. L. & N. Syn. Hep. 213. 1845.

    Mastigophora tetradactyla Trevisan, Mem. 1st. Lomb. III. 4: 416. 1877.

    Lepidozia disticha Stephani, Sv. Vet.-akad. Handl. 46(9): 62. /. 24, a-b. 1911 [in errordescription and figure under L. fernandeziensis, p. 63, f. 24 e, belong to this species].

    Lepidozia effusiseta Stephani, Spec. Hep. 6: 305. 1922; Icon. Hep., Lepidozia No. 134/136.

    Neolepidozia tetradactyla Fulford & J. Taylor, Brittonia 11: 84. 1959. [in error].

    Neolepidozia disticha Fulford & J. Taylor, Brittonia 11: 84. 1959. [in error].

    The species was first collected on Auchland Islands by Hooker (NY) and appears to be fairly common in New Zealand and Au.strialia as well as in the southern tip of South America. It is another of those species with an Antarctic distribution.

  • Distribution

    Habitat: Over soil, banks, logs, tree bases, and other bryophytes, in shaded areas. JUAN FERNANDEZ: Masatierra, Skottsberg 194, the type of L. effusiseta (G), Skottsberg 117, the type of L. disticha (G), Skottsberg B14 (G); s.l., Claude Gay, ex Hb Jard. Bot. Bruxelles (G-256). PATAGONIA-TIERRA DEL FUEGO: Corral, Thaxter 167 p.p. (MICH); Puerto Varis, Fulford 507 p.p., 540 p.p. (Hb Fulford): Chiloe I., Capt. King (NY); Magellan Straits, Nadaud F 803723 p.p. (F); s.L, Hahn (G). Hermite I., without

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