Bazzania acanthostipa Spruce

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1963. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part I. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 1-172.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Bazzania acanthostipa Spruce

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants large, light brown, greenish in the younger portions; stems robust, to 1-1 cm in length, with leaves to 5 mm broad; lateral branches occasional, diverging at a vide angle; flagelliform branches frequent, long, the scale-leaves small. Leaves densely imbricate, deflexed when dry, asymmetrically ovate, falcate, 2.5-3.5 mm long, 2 mm broad at the base, narrowed to the mostly transversely truncate, more or less equally tridentate apex, the dorsal margin arched from a cordate base, the ventral auricle very large, undulate, lobed, toothed, often appendiculate; teeth spreading, long, broadly triangular, acute, eight to fifteen cells long, four to six cells broad at the base, the sinuses deep, lunulate, the margins entire, repand; leaf-cells thin-walled but the wall obscured by the enlarged trigones, the lumina stellate, the trigones very large, with convex sides, the cuticle faintly verruculose; cells of the apical portion 20 X 20 µ. Underleaves imbricate, subquadrate, averaging 1.2 mm long and broad, the base cordate-auriculate, the auricles very large, overlapping, undulate, serrate, lobed, toothed, or appendiculate, the lateral margins coarsely toothed or lobed, and with one or more broad to narrow, apiculate, widely spreading teeth, the apical margin convex, undulate, sometimes four-lobed. Female branches occasional, the bracts of the intermediate and innermost series long-ovate, divided to one-fourth of their length into three ciliate and serrate laciniae, the lateral margins serrate to long-ciliate, the cells to 64 µ long, with thickened walls. Perianth to 6 mm long the mouth ciliate-laciniate, the cells averaging 32 µ long, thick-walled. Male brandies and sporophyte not seen. Fig. 48, a-f.

  • Discussion

    Mastigobryum acanthostipum Stephani, Spec. Hep. 3: 499. 1908.

  • Distribution

    Habitat: In deep ascending tufts on rocks and trees in moist places in the mountains.

    Colombia South America| Bolivia South America| Peru South America|