Isotachis spegazziniana C.Massal.

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1963. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part I. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 1-172.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Isotachis spegazziniana C.Massal.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants of small to medium size, dark brown, ascending to erect, in tufts; stems 4-6 cm long, with leaves to 1.5 mm wide, occasionally branched; stems in transverse section 12-15 cells in diameter, the cells of the cortical band in one or two rows, smaller, with thicker walls than those of the medulla. Rhizoids not seen. Leaves spreading, subimbricate, orbicular, often cueullate, notched for one-sixth of their length or less, the sinus small, V-shaped; cells of the median portion averaging 36 X 17 µ, the walls thickened, the intermediate thickenings and trigones conspicuous, the cuticle smooth. Underleaves scarcely distinguishable from the leaves. Female inflorescence terminal on the stem, the bracts and bracteoles similar to the leaves and underleaves, larger, the bracts of the innermost series undivided. Perigynium 4-5 mm long, arcuate, the mouth short-ciliate, hyaline, the wall four to six layers of cells thick below, the outermost layer often hyaline, the inner wall with occasional papillae. Sporophyte (very young) enclosed in a shoot-calyptra with scattered unfertilized archegonia on the surface, the foot enclosed in a thin covering, the capsule long-cylindric. Male inflorescence not seen. Fig. 16, a-j.

  • Distribution

    Habitat: In water and on soil in wet areas.

    Argentina South America| Chile South America|