Isotachis inflata Steph.
Fulford, Margaret H. 1963. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part I. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 1-172.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Plants of medium to large size, greenish-brown to dark brown, ascending to erect, in tufts or cushions; stems to 6 cm long, occasionally branched; stems 12—15 cells in diameter, the cortical cells in two layers, smaller and with thicker walls than those of the medulla. Rhizoids not seen. Leaves imbricate, widely spreading, canaliculate, broadly ovate-truncate, bifid to one-third of their length; segments broadly triangular, the apices rounded, the sinus lunulate; leaf margins entire or with an occasional tooth on the ventral side; cells of the median portion of the lamina averaging 60 X 27 µ, the walls uniformly thin, the row of marginal cells larger, their long axes at right angles to that of the leaf, the walls uniformly thickened, trigones very small or absent, the cuticle smooth. Underleaves smaller than the leaves, appressed, imbricate, ovate-truncate to orbicular, bifid to one-third of their length, the segments obtuse, the margins with one to several conspicuous teeth. Male and female inflorescences and spor-ophyte not seen. Fig. 10, a-e.
Isotachis uleana Stephani, Spec. Hep. 3: 663. 1909
Habitat: On soil.
Brazil South America|