Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1963. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part I. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 1-172.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Isotachis serrulata (Sw.) Gottsche

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants very large, pale to dark red or reddish-brown, ascending to erect, in deep tufts or cushions; stems very large, 5-10 cm long, with leaves to 3 mm wide, irregularly branched; stems in transverse section 14-16 cells across, the cortical cells in one or two layers, very thick-walled, surrounding the larger, thinner-walled cells of the medulla. Rhizoids not seen. Leaves patent, imbricate, canaliculate, asymmetric, broadly ovate, bifid to one-fifth or one-fourth of their length; segments broadly triangular, acute, the sinus U- or V-shaped, more or less toothed on the outer margins, the teeth short; margins of the lamina entire or with a few scattered teeth; cells of the median part of the leaf 58-70 X 2025 µ, the walls with conspicuous intermediate thickenings, the trigones large, rounded, the cell lumina angular-rounded, the cuticle minutely to strongly striolate-papillose; cells of the segments and margin smaller. Underleaves oblong to orbicular, often reflexed above, bifid to one-third of their length, the sinus U-shaped, the margins with one to several coarse teeth above, usually on the outer margins of the segments, the cells as in the leaf. Plants dioicous. Male inflorescence terminal but becoming intercalary in position, the bracts and bracteoles in 10-15 series, similar to the leaves and underleaves, slightly larger, the bracts concave, the bracteoles plane; antherida large, globose, in pairs in the axils of the bracts. Female inflorescence terminal on the stem, the bracts and bracteoles similar to the leaves and underleaves, larger, obovate, the sinus broad, shallow, rounded, the outer margins toothed in the upper half. Perigynium conic-cylindric, to 6 mm long, straight to arcuate, long-eiliate at the top. Sporophyte not seen. Fig. 5, a-e.

  • Discussion

    Jungermannia serrulata Swartz, Prodr. 143. 1788. Jungermannia serrulata swartziana Gottsche [?] in G. L. & N. Syn. Hep. 128. 1844. Isotachis husnoti Gottsche ms. nom. nud.; in Bescherelle, Jour. Bot. Morot 7: 124. 1893. Isotachis swartziana Stephani, Spec. Hep. 3: 665. 1909. Isotachis urbani Stephani, Spec. Hep. 3: 667. 1909. Isotachis hahnii Stephani, Spec. Hep. 3: 668. 1909. Isotachis paucidens Stephani, Spec. Hep. 6: 335. 1924. Isotachis woronowii Herzog, Beih. Bot. Center. 61(B): 566. f. 4, k-s. 1942. Isotachis piliflora Herzog, Beih. Bot. Center. 61(B): 568. f. 4, a-j. 1942. Isotachis guadeloupensis Gottsche, ms.

  • Distribution

    Habitat: On soil.

    Jamaica South America| Guadeloupe South America| Martinique South America| Guatemala Central America| Colombia South America| Bolivia South America|