Lepidozia dendritica Spruce

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1966. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part II. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 173-276.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Lepidozia dendritica Spruce

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants large, green becoming brown, in tufts or mats; stems 5-10 cm long, with leaves to 1.0 mm broad, bi-tripinnately branched, lateral branches 2-3 mm apart, to 8 mm or more long, not becoming flagelliform (?), ventral branches not seen. Line of leaf insertion subtransverse, the upper end bent downward, hookform. Stem leaves distant to approximate, cucullate-concave, appearing saccate, asymmetric, 0.5 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm wide at the basc, the dorsal margin strongly convex, sometimes semicordate, entire, the ventral margin to only one-fourth as long, with one or two teeth or cilia, obliquely quadrifid to one-third of their length; segments unequal, incurved, triangular from a 4- to 6-celled base, with a uniseriate tip of two to four cells, 18-24 µ long; leaf-cells at the base of the segments 18-24 × 18-22 µ, the walls thickened, the trigones distinct, the cuticle smooth. Stem underleaves distant, as wide as the stem, concave, quadrifid to one-third or more, the segments narrowly triangular from a 3- to 6-celled base and ending in a 2- to 4-celled tip, the cells 18-24 µ long, the lamina with one or two obscure to well developed teeth on each side. Branch leaves and underleaves larger, less concave, the segments with tips to 10 cells long. Sexual branches and sporophytes not seen. Pl. 43. Fig. 21, a-c.

  • Distribution

    Habitat: On trunks of trees in mountain forests.

    Colombia South America| Ecuador South America|