Lepidozia wallisiana Steph.

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1966. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part II. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 173-276.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Lepidozia wallisiana Steph.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants of medium size, olive-green to dark green or brown, in dense tufts or mats or among other bryophytes; stems to 5 cm or more long, with leaves to 1.2 mm broad, regularly pinnately branched, the lateral branches 2-3 mm apart, 0.5-1.0 cm long, often becoming flagelliform, ventral fiagelliform branches infrecjuent. Line of leaf insertion obliciue. Stem leaves distant to contiguous or imbricate, asymmetric, squarrose-spreading, a little concave, to 0.48 mm long, 0.48-0.56 mm broad at the base; the lamina more or less orbicular, the dorsal margin strongly convex from a rounded base, usually with slender teeth one to several cells long, the short ventral margin with or without a tooth, obliquely quadrifid to one-half their length; segments unequal, triangular from a 4- to 7-celled base, soon narrowed to a long acuminate uniseriate tip of four to seven cells 20-27 µ or rarely a few to 36 µ long, the apices of most of the segments curved upward on the ventral side of the stem; cells of the base of the segments quadrate, 17-22 µ long and broad, the walls thickened, the cuticle smooth. Underleaves as broad as the stem, concave, quadrifid to one-half or more, the lamina with or without one or more teeth on either side, the segments two to four cells broad at the base, soon becoming uniseriate for five to seven cells, divergent, curved and parallel to the stem; the cells to 27 µ long. Sexual branches and sporophytes not seen. Pl 42. Fig. 16, a-d.

  • Discussion

    Lepidozia bogoicnsis Slephani, Spfc Hep. 3: 570. 1909; Icon. Hep., Lepidozia No. 60.

    Lepidozia bicalcarata Stephani, Spec. Hep. 3: 573. 1909; Icon. Hep., Lepidozia No. 43.

    Lepidozia flavescens Slophuni in Herzog, Bryopliyten Bolivia. Bibliot. Bot. 87: 226. /. 168 a, b. 1916.

    Lepidozia heterophylla Stephani in Herzog, Bryophyten Bolivia. Bibliot. Bot. 87: 226. 1916; Icon. He].., Lepidozia No. 60. Xonion nudum.

    Lepidozia capilliramea Stephani, Spec. Hep. 6: 323. 1922; Icon. Hep., Lepidozia No. 48

    Lepidozia caraccnsis Stephani, Spec. Hep, 6: 322. 1922; Icon. Hep., Lepidozia No. 49

    The plants of this species are highly variable in size and shape of the leaves and underleaves and there is often considerable difference between the leaves and underleaves of the stem and its branches or between those of different stems. The length of the uniseriate tips of the leaves is less on robust than on slender stems, or on branches. There may be no marginal teeth on the dorsal lamina of the stem leaves or several teeth, none on the stem leaves and several on the branch leaves or just suggestions of teeth along the margin. There are very often one or two teeth along the ventral margin. A slender tooth on either side of the lamina is characteristic in the underleaves, but there may be several teeth or none. On some of the more robust plants the teeth are quite long. The cells of the uniseriate tips of the segments are mostly 22-27 µ in length, but some are only 18 µ.

  • Distribution

    Habitat: On logs and trees in cloud forests. GUATEMALA : Zacapa: slopes of Volcán Gomelos 2100-3200 m, Steyermark 43291 p.p.(F). COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Paramo de Season, vidtis, (type G ) ; same locality and collector, the lypo of L. bicalcarata (G); same locality and collector, 10,000 ft, neotype of L. capilliramea (G) ; the same, ex H b Jack (G); the same, as L. dendritica (G) ; [the citation in Stephani, 1922, "Fretum Magellanicum, Skottsberg leg." is incorrect.] Bogotá: San Cristóbal, Apoll

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