Acromastigum cunninghamii A.Evans

  • Authority

    Fulford, Margaret H. 1966. Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin America--Part II. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11: 173-276.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Acromastigum cunninghamii A.Evans

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants pale, yellowish-green; stems 1-2 cm long, with leaves to 0.4 mm broad, the leafy clichotomies 2-6 cm apart; ventral flagelliform branches few; branches in transverse section with seven large, thick-walled cortical cells surrounding the medulla of smaller cells. Rhizoids colorless, on the underleaves. Line of leaf insertion oblique, the leaves incubous. Leaves imbricate, widely spreading, asymmetric, ovate to rectangular, 0.4-0.5 mm long, 0.15-0.25 mm wide at the base, unequally bifid for one-third to one-half of their length; dorsal segment triangular, four to six cells wide at the base, the ventral segment slightly longer, two cells wide nearly to the tip; cells of the lamina below the dorsal segment averaging 16-20 µ × 18µ, the walls more or less uniformly thickened, the lumina angular-rounded, a vitta of larger cells present in the ventral half of the lamina, the cuticle smooth. Underleaves contiguous to subimbricate, appressed, orbicularquadrate, divided to the middle or beyond into three similar ligulate to ovate, truncate segments. Sexual branches and sporophytes not seen. PI. 38. Fig. 3, a-c.

  • Discussion

    Bazzania cunninghamii Stephani, Hedwigia 32: 205. 1893.

    Mastigobryum cunninghamii Stephani, Spec. Hep. 3: 540. 1909; Icon. Hep.. Mastigobryum No. 485.

    Other reports from Patagonia include those cited by Herzog (1954, 1960), Kiihnemann (1949), and Stephani (1911).

  • Distribution

    Habitat: Not given.

    Argentina South America| Chile South America|