Lippia venosa Rusby

  • Authority

    Rusby, Henry H. 1927. Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Plants Collected on the Mulford Biological Exploration of the Amazon Valley 1921-1922. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 205-387.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Lippia venosa Rusby

  • Description

    Species Description - Densely and very shortly gray-tomentellate throughout, the long slender branches somewhat quadrangular and sulcate. Petioles 4 to 8 mm. long, the blades 3 to 5 cm. long, 1 to 2 cm. broad, ovate with abruptly acuminate base and long-acuminate and acute summit, shortly crenate-dentate, thickish, light-green above, gray beneath, rather strongly bullate above by the impressed venation, which is very prominent and stout beneath, the strongly ascending secondaries about 5 on a side, connected by a strong reticulation. Heads solitary in the axils, the slender peduncles half as long as their leaves, or longer, mostly nearly 1 cm. broad. Bracts ciliate, broadly ovate, acute. Calyx broadly campanulate, 2-fid, the divisions broader than long. Corollatube minutely puberulent, incurved, 5 mm. long, contracted just above the base, then gradually dilated to three times that width, and lightly contracted at the summit, the limb 5 mm. broad, the upper lip very slightly retuse, the lower with 3 rounded lobes which are rather broader than long. Shorter anthers reaching to about the middle of the tube.

  • Distribution

    Espia, at the head of the Bopi River, about 3,500 feet, H. H. Rushy, July 20,1921 (no. 99); Canamina, 4,000 feet, O. E. White, July 21, 1921 (no. 268).

    Bolivia South America|