Maytenus meguillensis Rusby
Rusby, Henry H. 1927. Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Plants Collected on the Mulford Biological Exploration of the Amazon Valley 1921-1922. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 205-387.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Glabrous, the branchlets short and rather stout, terete, the leaves alternate. Petioles 5 to 10 mm. long, broad, cartilaginous, mostly twisted in drying, the margins strongly up-curved. Blades 6 to 10 cm. long, 3 to 6 cm. broad, oval, with subrotund base and obtuse summit, entire or very obscurely sinuate-dentate, the slender venation slightly prominent above, strongly so beneath, the secondaries 10 to If) on a side, with intermediate smaller ones, abruptly ascending at the base, then spreading widely, and again strongly ascending to connect at some distance from the margin, the intervening venation loosely anastomosing. Cymes compound, peduncled, short and broad, little exceeding the petioles, densely flowered, the bracts very short and broad, the flowers on extremely short, stout, angled pedicels, the flowers 6 to 7 mm. broad when fully expanded. Calyx-lobes very thick, broader than long, with broadly rounded summit, less than half the length of the petals, which are 2.5 mm. long and nearly as broad, the base truncate, the summit rounded, the margin faintly denticulate. Stamens about half as long as the petals, recurved, the anthers short and broad. Disk plane, 3 mm. broad, thick and fleshy, 5-grooved and lightly lobed. Stigma sessile, capitate, depressed.
On the Meguilla River, 3,500 feet, H. H. Rusby, August 14, 1921 (no. 307). The same collected in the same locality, O. E. White, July 29, 1921 (no. 434). A large tree with yellowishgreen flowers.
Bolivia South America|