Icica rhynchophylla

  • Authority

    Rusby, Henry H. 1927. Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Plants Collected on the Mulford Biological Exploration of the Amazon Valley 1921-1922. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 205-387.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Icica rhynchophylla Rusby

  • Description

    Species Description - Glabrous, the branchlets slender, lightly sulcate. Petioles 7 cm. or more long, the rachis about twice as long, slender, terete. Leaflets mostly 7, the lowermost about half the size of the uppermost, the slender petiolules about 3 cm. long, the upper portion winged by an involute extension of the blade about 5 mm. long. Blades of the leaflets 10 to 20 cm. long, 4 to 8 cm. broad, oval, obtusish at both ends, bearing a very abrupt narrow appendage about one seventh of the length of the blade, which is entire, thin and dark-green, the slender venation lightly prominent above, sharply so beneath, the secondaries about 12 on each side, widely spreading, the outer ends abruptly up-curved, and connecting near the margin, their branches meeting midway at a broad angle, the venation loosely anastomosing. Spikes loosely paniculately branched, shortly pedunculate, about half the length of their leaves, mostly loosely flowered. Flowers 5-merous, the buds immature in my specimen. Fruit ovoid, 2 cm. long and nearly as broad, slightly concave at the base, acute with the short style-base.

  • Distribution

    A small forest tree at Rurrenabaque, 1,000 feet. Collected in flower, H. H. Rushy, October 8, 1921 (wo. 1592). The fruiting specimens, which have smaller leaves, were collected under the number 1152.

    Bolivia South America|