Bromelia pinguin L.

  • Authority

    Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1979. Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (3): 1493-2142. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Bromelia pinguin L.

  • Type

    Type. Clifford Hortus (BM n v), Jamaica.

  • Synonyms

    Karatas penguin Miller, Bromelia peguin L., Bromelia ignea Beer, Agallostachys pinguin (L.) Beer, Karatas plumieri E.Morren, Bromelia paraguayensis Baker, Ananas pinguin Trew, Bromelia fastuosa Lindl., Bromelia sepiaria Schult.f., Bromelia acarna Schult.f. ex Thunb., Agallostachys fastuosa (Lindl.) Beer, Agallostachys pinguin (L.) Beer, Karatas pinguin Baker ex Mill.

  • Description

    Description - Leaves many, rosulate, often over 2 m long, not at all constricted between the sheath and the blade; sheaths very broad, densely and coarsely tomentose-lepidote; blades linear, attenuate, 4 cm wide, deep green above, pale green and very minutely pale-appressed-lepidote below, armed with stout teeth up to 10 mm long. Scape stout, white-farinose; scape-bracts foliaceous but with the sheaths roseate and subinflated. Inflorescence many-flowered, narrowly pyramidal, white-farinose; primary bracts like the scape-bracts but the upper ones entire; branches up to 12-flowered. Floral bracts linear-subulate from a short broad base, 3 cm long, much shorter than to about equaling the ovary; flowers up to 6 cm long, distinctly pedicellate. Sepals erect, very narrowly triangular-subulate, 15-30 mm long, flat or nearly so, pale; petals 3 cm long, 5.5-6 mm wide, linear-elliptic, rose with white base and margins, densely white-tomentose at the apex; ovary slenderly ellipsoid, 2 cm long. Fruit ovoid, about 35 mm long, yellow or ochraceous, strongly verrucose, acidulous, aromatic.

  • Common Names

    Piñuela, pinguin, curujujul, maya, mayo

  • Distribution

    Dry thickets and slopes, from slightly above sea level to 780 m alt, Mexico and the West Indies to Guiana and Ecuador.

    Mexico North America| Tamaulipas Mexico North America| San Luis Potosí Mexico North America| Veracruz Mexico North America| Chiapas Mexico North America| Yucatán Mexico North America| Guatemala Central America| Belize Central America| El Salvador Central America| Costa Rica South America| Guanacaste Costa Rica Central America| Panama Central America| Panamá Panama Central America| Cuba South America| Piñar del Río Cuba South America| Isla de Piños Cuba South America| Las Villas Cuba West Indies| Jamaica South America| Haiti South America| Dominican Republic South America| Puerto Rico South America| Virgin Islands South America| Saint Croix Virgin Islands of the United States South America| Saint Thomas Virgin Islands of the United States South America| Antigua and Barbuda South America| Martinique South America| Colombia South America| Magdalena Colombia South America| Atlántico Colombia South America| Bolívar Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Nueva Esparta Venezuela South America| Monagas Venezuela South America| Sucre Venezuela South America| Guárico Venezuela South America| Lara Venezuela South America| Suriname South America| Ecuador South America| Manabí Ecuador South America| Guayas Ecuador South America|