Lellingeria tenuicula (Fée) A.R.Sm. & R.C.Moran

  • Authority

    Labiak Evangelista, Paulo H. 2013. Grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae). I. . Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 111: 1--130. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Lellingeria tenuicula (Fée) A.R.Sm. & R.C.Moran

  • Type

    Type. Guadeloupe, s.d., F. L. L'Herminier s.n. (lectotype, RB 216526, designated by Christenhuzs 2009: 267; isolectotypes, B 200142678, M 151690, NY 127071, P 00632732, MO 3725584).

  • Synonyms

    Polypodium tenuiculum Fée, Ctenopteris tenuicula (Fée) Copel., Grammitis tenuicula (Fée) Proctor, Polypodium grenadense Jenman, Polypodium lasiolepis Mett.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants epiphytic; fronds erect to arcuate, determinate; rhizome short-creeping, dorsiventral, with ventral root insertion, scaly, the scales 2-3 cm x 0.2 mm, lanceolate, the apex short-attenuate, clathrate, castaneous, ciliate, the cilia simple, present on scale margins and apex; petiole 1-2 cm x 0.6 mm, dark brown, terete, densely pubescent, the hairs 0.1 mm long, spreading, simple, 1-celled, whitish; lamina to 15 cm long, elliptic, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, deeply pinnatisect, 18-25 pairs of segments, abruptly reduced at the base with 1—2(—3) basal segments about shorter than the medial ones, the lowermost auriculiform, not long-decurrent onto petiole base, broadest near the middle, not showing periodic constrictions, the apex abruptly reduced, ending in a subconform and long terminal segment (sometimes missing in some specimens); rachis straight, with dark sclerenchyma visible on both sides, pubescent abaxially, the hairs 1-0.2 mm long, entire or 2(-3)-furcate, 1- to 3-celled, whitish to castaneous, pubescent adaxially, the hairs 0.1 mm long, spreading, simple, 1- to 2-celled, whitish to castaneous; segments 0.8-1.2(-1.5) x 0.2 cm, plane, set 50-60° to rachis, more or less symmetrical, slightly widened at the base, short-decurrent basiscopically, slightly cuneate acroscopically, the base attached parallel on the rachis (both sides inserted along the same radius), not lobulate, the apex acute to obtuse, the margin entire, plane or slightly revolute, slightly pubescent, the hairs 1-furcate, similar to those of the rachis, abaxial lamina surface glabrescent, the hairs similar to those of the rachis, adaxial lamina surface glabrous; sinuses narrower than the segments; venation pinnate, with 4-7 pairs of veins per segment; costae with black sclerenchyma visible, glabrescent, the hairs similar to those of the rachis; veins simple, without blackish sclerenchyma, ending in hydathodes that lack calcareous deposits; sori medial, rounded, not protruding beyond costa and margin, 5-8 pairs per segment, superficial to slightly sunken; sporangial capsules glabrous.

  • Discussion

    Lellingeria tenuicula can be recognized by its ciliate rhizome scales 2-3 cm long, the 1- to 2(3). forked hairs on the rachises, elliptic laminae, and the strongly reduced basal segments that do not form a long-decurrent wing to the petiole base.

    It is similar to Lellingeria apiculata, from which it can be distinguished mainly by its smaller size and the auriculiform basal segments. In L. apiculata, the lamina is lanceolate with only two or three reduced basal segments that are not auriculiform. It is also very similar to L. kaieteura (from Venezuela and Guyana), but that species differs by having its costae covered by the abaxial laminar tissue and scales no longer than 1 cm (costae visible and scales usually longer than 2 mm in L. tenuicula).

    See comments under Lellingeria brasiliensis, L. isidrensis, and L. moranii for morphological comparisons with those species.

    The original collection from Guadeloupe at P was mixed and included nine specimens: six that represent the current concept applied to Lellingeria tenuicula and three that represent Terpsichore asplenifolia (L.) A. R. Sm., which, therefore, are considered as excluded syntypes (P 632733, P 696548, and P 696549). Even though R. Hensen annotated the specimen L’Herminier s.n. (B 200087717) as being an isotype of P. tenuiculum, that collection does not represent the species and is among the excluded syntypes.

    Because the information on the labels is imprecise and the collection L'Herminier s.n. may represent two (or even more) different species, I have chosen to cite here only the duplicates I have seen that undoubtedly represent Lellingeria tenuicula. Other possible duplicates of L'Herminier s.n. from Guadeloupe present in herbaria other than those cited here must be examined carefully before being assigned as actual duplicates of the lectotype.

  • Distribution

    Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, and Martinique at 500-1800 m elevation.

    Guadeloupe South America| Martinique South America| Grenada South America| Dominica South America| Basse-Terre Guadeloupe South America| Saint Andrew Grenada South America| Saint Joseph Dominica South America| Saint Paul Dominica South America| Saint Peter Dominica South America|