Jatropha gossypiifolia var. staphysagrifolia (Mill.) Müll.Arg.
Dehgan, Bijan. 2012.
. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 110: 1--274. (Published by NYBG Press) -
Scientific Name
Jatropha gossypiifolia var. staphysagrifolia (Mill.) Müll.Arg.
Neotype. Mexico. Antiguá, Sep 1912, C. A. Purpus 6111 (neotype here designated: NY; isoneotypes: F, GH, US, UC).
Jatropha palmata Vell.
Variety Description - Shrubs, to 1.0 m tall. Leaves: 3- to 5-lobed, segments wide ovate, 7.5-15 x 4.5-9.5 cm; bases truncate to shallowly reniform, margins ciliate-glandular; sparsely to densely pubescent on one or both surfaces, developing leaves sometimes light red soon becoming green. Corollas: dark red.
Local names and uses: Arriba y abajo, cinco dedos, frailecillo, kuahyer, muñequilla, purga del fraile, quelite del fraile, tatua, and tede abuela. Widely used for medicinal purposes. In Oaxaca, Mexico, decoctions of leaves are drunk for stomachache (J. V. Santos 2433 (MICH). In Costa Rica, it is used to cure ulcers and is soaked in water, which is drunk once every 24 hours, for treatment of kidney problems (Weston et al. 3970). In Nicaragua, it is used for treatment of kidney problems (Stevens & Krukoff 13230 (MO). In his Gardeners Dictionary, Miller (1768) noted that seeds of both J. curcas and J. staphysagrifolia had been used as purgatives by inhabitants of the West Indies, but they operate so violently (in reference to gasterointestinal distress) that now they are seldom used. “Three or four of these nuts have worked downward and upward near 40 times.” He further noted that these plants were used in fomentations (warm, moist, medical compresses at the site of injury). The English vernacular name "bellyache bush” is an apparent reference to its use as a purgative and for abdominal disorders.
This variety at times has been erroneously identified and annotated as var. elegans based on Pax’s (1910) description. Both Müller Argoviensis (1866) and Pax (1910) cited several West Indian collections for J. gossypiifolia var. staphysagrifolia, but they also cited and annotated dissimilar Central and South American specimens as this taxon. This best illustrates the difficulty in taxonomic treatment of the species. The neotype is assigned here because it represents a good example of the variety in Mesoamerica and northern South America. -
From Mexico to Panama, south to northern departments of Colombia, all of Ecuador, and northern Venezuela, where some specimens are also similar to those of the Caribbean.
Atlántico Colombia South America| Ahuachapán El Salvador Central America| La Unión El Salvador Central America| Boaco Nicaragua Central America| Rivas Nicaragua Central America| Colima Mexico North America| Oaxaca Mexico North America| Tamaulipas Mexico North America| Veracruz Mexico North America| Yucatán Mexico North America| Chiquimula Guatemala Central America| Guatemala Guatemala Central America| Jutiapa Guatemala Central America| Zacapa Guatemala Central America| Colón Honduras Central America| Choluteca Honduras Central America| Comayagua Honduras Central America| El Paraíso Honduras Central America| Francisco Morazán Honduras Central America| Olancho Honduras Central America| Santa Bárbara Honduras Central America| Valle Honduras Central America| Yoro Honduras Central America| San Miguel El Salvador Central America| San Salvador El Salvador Central America| Sonsonate El Salvador Central America| Carazo Nicaragua Central America| Chinandega Nicaragua Central America| Chontales Nicaragua Central America| Estelí Nicaragua Central America| Granada Nicaragua Central America| León Nicaragua Central America| Madriz Nicaragua Central America| Managua Nicaragua Central America| Masaya Nicaragua Central America| Matagalpa Nicaragua Central America| Zelaya Nicaragua Central America| Guanacaste Costa Rica Central America| Heredia Costa Rica Central America| Limón Costa Rica Central America| Puntarenas Costa Rica Central America| Bocas del Toro Panamá Central America| Chiriquí Panamá Central America| Coclé Panamá Central America| Colón Panama Central America| Herrera Panama Central America| Los Santos Panama Central America| Panamá Panama Central America| Antioquia Colombia South America| Bolívar Colombia South America| Boyacá Colombia South America| Cauca Colombia South America| Cundinamarca Colombia South America| Magdalena Colombia South America| Norte de Santander Colombia South America| Tolima Colombia South America| Valle del Cauca Colombia South America| Imbabura Ecuador South America| Mexico North America|