Laguncularia racemosa var. glabriflora (L.) Stace

  • Authority

    Stace, C. A. & Alwan, A.-R A. 2010. Combretaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 107: 1-369. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Laguncularia racemosa var. glabriflora (L.) Stace

  • Type

    Type. Ecuador. Guayas: Guayaquil, 1790, Haenke, s.n. (holotype, PRC).

  • Synonyms

    Laguncularia glabriflora C.Presl, Laguncularia parviflora Shuttlew.

  • Description

    Species Description - Inflorescence axes, fruits and flowers, and young stems, leaves and petioles glabrous.

  • Discussion

    Laguncularia parviflora is probably not validly published. The name appears on printed labels of the exsiccata sheet Rugel 239, without any diagnosis.

    Nomen Dubium

    Laguncularia martii Colla, Herb. Pedem. 2: 367. 1834. Type. “Brasilia.” Martius s.n. (? BR n.v.). Other combinations under Laguncularia refer to species of Lumnitzera Willd. in East Africa, Asia and Australia.

  • Distribution

    Extremely scattered in the Americas, possibly throughout the range of the species there.

    Cienfuegos Cuba South America|