Cassia ferruginea var. velloziana H.S.Irwin & Barneby
Scientific Name
Holotypus, NY; isotypus, P.
Variety Description - Characters as given in key. [Key: "Petals oblong-elliptic (9-)10-20 X 5-9(-10) mm; sigmoid filaments 18-30 mm; s.-e. Minas Gerais, s.-ward from ±21°S, and Rio de Janeiro to Parana."] --Collections: 15.
Distribution and Ecology - Wet woodlands, gallery-forest, sometimes abundant in disturbed or regenerating forest, ±300-750 m, discontinuosly dispersed from the headwaters of rios Doce and Grande in s. Minas Gerais and coastal mountains of Rio de janeiro s.-e to e.-centr. and n.-e. Parana, lat. ±22-25°S, in its native range preserved for ornament and shade and sometimes planted about dwellings.--Fl. XI-I.
Common Names
cañafistula, c. preta, Banana de macaco
Minas Gerais Brazil South America| Rio de Janeiro Brazil South America| Paraná Brazil South America|