Cassia ferruginea (Schrad.) Schrad. ex DC. var. ferruginea
Scientific Name
Holotypus not seen; isotypus, fragm. + drawing, sent to DeCandolle by Schrader as Cassia ferruginea, G-DC!-- A spm labelled "C. staminea, leg. Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied," s. loc., M (hb. Mart.)! is Gen. Hist. Dichl. Pl. 2: 453. 1825. Cassia brasiliana va
Bactyrilobium ferrugineum Schrad., Cassia staminea Vogel
Variety Description - Characters are given in key. [Key: "Petals obovate or oblong-obovate 15-28 X 10-15 mm; sigmoid filaments (measured along their curvature) 30-46 mm; centr. Minas Gerais, n.-ward from ±20°S, to e.-centr. Goias, s. Ceara and s.-e. Bahia."] --Collections: 23.
Distribution and Ecology - Wooded valley slopes, gallery-margins, cerradao, and surviving in capoeira or as a fence-tree, mostly 200-950 m, scattered around and within the basin of Rio Sao Francisco from centr. Minas Gerais n. to Sa. de Araripe in s. Ceara (lat. ±7-20°S), w. to the upper Tocatins in centr. Goias and reappearing locally on the Atlantic slope in s.-e. Bahia at 5-300 m, both in the coastal wet forest and in mata de cipo of the Paraguacu and Contas valleys; here and there cultivated for shade and ornament and locally spontaneous (as in Parque do Guara, D.F.).--Fl. X-II
Common Names
Canafistula preta
Minas Gerais Brazil South America| Goiás Brazil South America| Bahia Brazil South America|