Naucleopsis inaequalis (Ducke) C.C.Berg

  • Authority

    Berg, Cornelius C. 2001. Moreae, Artocarpeae, and (Moraceae): With introductions to the family and and with additions and corrections to Flora Neotropica Monograph 7. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 83: 1-346. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Naucleopsis inaequalis (Ducke) C.C.Berg

  • Description

    Species Description - Extension of the description: Infructescences 2-2.5 cm diam.; free parts of the tepals aculeate, to 0.3 cm long, minutely puberulous.

  • Distribution

    In the middle part of the Amazon Basin, from the Manaus region to Pando (Bolivia); mostly in inundated forest (várzea), sometimes on terra firme.

    Pando Bolivia South America| Acre Brazil South America| Rondônia Brazil South America|