Brosimum utile subsp. ovatifolium (Ducke) C.C.Berg

  • Authority

    Berg, Cornelius C. 2001. Moreae, Artocarpeae, and (Moraceae): With introductions to the family and and with additions and corrections to Flora Neotropica Monograph 7. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 83: 1-346. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Brosimum utile subsp. ovatifolium (Ducke) C.C.Berg

  • Discussion

    The collection Nee 30878 (from Bolivar, Venezuela) has turbinate inflorescences with the staminate flowers confined to its upper part. In young fruiting state the upper part is separated from the lower fruit-containing part by a constriction, due to which the (developing) infructescence resembles that of Trymatococcus amazonicus.

    Use. The fibers of inner bark are used to make bark cloth (Bolivia. Beni; Colombia. Vaupés).

  • Distribution

    In the Amazon Basin, largely in its northern part, extending to French Guiana, Guyana, and Venezuela (Bolívar), and with some records from the southern part of the Amazon Basin; in non-inundated forest; to ca. 1100 m.

    Beni Bolivia South America| Pando Bolivia South America| Mato Grosso Brazil South America| Caquetá Colombia South America| Vaupés Colombia South America| Morona-Santiago Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Pastaza Ecuador South America| Sucumbíos Ecuador South America| Maripasoula French Guiana South America| Saül French Guiana South America| Cayenne French Guiana South America| Potaro-Siparuni Guyana South America| Amazonas Peru South America| Huánuco Peru South America| Junín Peru South America| Loreto Peru South America| Madre de Dios Peru South America| Ucayali Peru South America| Amazonas Venezuela South America| Bolívar Venezuela South America|