Piptocarpha gustavo-valerioana G.L.S.Merr.

  • Authority

    Smith, Gerald L. & Coile, Nancy C. 2007. (Compositae: Vernonieae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 99: 1--94. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Piptocarpha gustavo-valerioana G.L.S.Merr.

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Bahia: Encruzilhada, saída apra Itambé, 27 May 1968, Belem 3676 (holotype, RB).

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Frutices scandentes, ramis gracilibus, teretibus, ramis lateralibus numerosis brevibus, cinereo-tomentulosis. Folia alterna, 5.5-8.5 X 1.5-2.5 cm, subcoriacea, elliptica, supra glabra, nitida, brunnea, infra dense et arete cinereo-stellato-tomentosa. Inflorescentiae fasciculi axillares corymbosae. Capitula (immatura) 3-flosculosa, solitaria vel bina, pedun-culis argenteo-stellato-tomentosa; involucra anguste ovoidea; phyllaria imbricata 3-5-seriata, flavo-brunnea in sicco, ad apicem subacuta, dense cinereo-tomentosa.

    Species Description - Scandent shrubs, branches slender, terete, lateral branchlets short, numerous, cinereous-tomentulose. Leaves not crowded along the branchlets; petioles short, furrowed, cinereous-tomentose, 4-8 mm long; blades 5.5-8.5 X 1.5-2.5 cm, subcoriaceous, elliptic, acuminate with obtuse tip, cuneate at base, margin entire, glabrous, lustrous and brown above, cinereous-stellate-tomentose below, 6-8 pairs of lateral veins. Inflorescences axillary, corymbose clusters of 5-10 heads. Heads (immature) with three florets, solitary or paired on short, silvery cinereous-tomentose peduncles; involucres appearing narrowly ovoid; phyllaries yellowish brown, cinereous-tomentose, subacute at apex, margin ciliate to arachnoid, outer ones ovate to elliptic, inner ones narrowly elliptic. Mature achenes unavailable for description.

  • Discussion

    Based on the head structure, Piptocarpha gustavo-valerioana appears to be most closely allied to species in ser. Pyrifoliae. Additional collections, with mature flowering heads, are needed to confirm this relationship.

    Piptocarpha gustavo-valerioana is named in honor of Gustavo Martinelli and Valerio Flechtmann Ferreira, staff members at the Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro, who offered their friendship to Smith and his colleagues during trips to Brazil and traveled with us on expeditions into the interior of Brazil.

  • Distribution

    Piptocarpha gustavo-valerioana is found in southern Bahia. It grows in coastal forests as a shrub climbing in trees. Elevation is ca. 100 m. Flowering and fruiting probably occur from Jun to Sep.

    Brazil South America| Bahia Brazil South America|