Piptocarpha asterotrichia (Poepp.) Baker

  • Authority

    Smith, Gerald L. & Coile, Nancy C. 2007. (Compositae: Vernonieae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 99: 1--94. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Piptocarpha asterotrichia (Poepp.) Baker

  • Type

    Type. Peru. Loreto: Maynas, Tocache, Jun 1830, Poeppig 1887 (Holotype, W; isotypes, GH [as fragment], NY, P).

  • Synonyms

    Vernonia asterotrichia Poepp. & Endl., Carphobolus asterotrichus (Poepp.) Sch.Bip., Piptocarpha insignis Gleason

  • Description

    Species Description - Robust scandent shrubs, branches widely spreading, pendulous, reddish brown-stellate-tomentose. Leaves not crowded along the branches; petioles 515 mm long; blades subcoriaceous, shape variable, elliptic, or ovate to lanceolate (7.5-)9-15 x 3-7 cm, acuminate at the apex, oblique or subcordate at the base, margin slightly revolute and remotely toothed, glabrate above, cinereous to yellow-stellate-pubescent below, 5-8 pairs of lateral veins. Inflorescences axillary, hemispheric to globose clusters of (2-)4-10 heads. Heads with (11-)17-22(-35) florets, subsessile; involucres broadly turbinate (8-) 10-14(-17) x (4-)6-7(-10) mm; phyllaries a brilliant yellow-green (fresh) or chestnut-brown (when dried), glabrate, darkened and acute at tip, margin ciliate, outer ones ovate, inner ones lanceolate to linear. Corollas cream-colored, glabrate, tube 6-7(-7.5) mm long, lobes 2-3 mm long; anthers ca. 4 mm long, basal auricles sharply caudate, 1-1.5 mm long. Pappus white to straw-colored, indistinctly biseriate, inner bristles 6-7(-8) mm long, outer bristles less than 1 mm long, totally absent on some achenes. Achenes 3.5-4(-4.5) mm long, angled, finely costate.

  • Discussion

    Piptocarpha asterotrichia is a very showy species and is distinguished by its reddish brown-tomentose branchlets; subcoriaceous, elliptic to lanceolate leaves; and broadly turbinate involucres, brilliant yellowish green when fresh and chestnut-brown when dried.

    Piptocarpha insignis, known only from the type collection, is considered to be merely a very robust form of P. asterotrichia and is placed in synonymy. Since even the heads of P. insignis are larger than P. asterotrichia, this collection possibly represents a polyploid

  • Distribution

    Piptocarpha asterotrichia is found from northern Peru south to the Cordillera Real in western Bolivia. The species occurs in dense montane rainforests and lower edges of cloud forests. Elevation is 425 to 1500 m. Flowering and fruiting chiefly occur from Jun to Oct.

    Amazonas Peru South America| Junín Peru South America| San Martín Peru South America| La Paz Bolivia South America|