Piptocarpha robusta G.M.Barroso

  • Authority

    Smith, Gerald L. & Coile, Nancy C. 2007. (Compositae: Vernonieae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 99: 1--94. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Piptocarpha robusta G.M.Barroso

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Minas Gerais. Mun. Nova Venecia, s.d., Duarte 9758 (holotype, RB, also as photo at GA; isotypes, RB).

  • Synonyms

    Piptocarpha santosii H.Rob.

  • Description

    Species Description - Arborescent shrubs, branches terete, yellowish brown-tomentose. Leaves not crowded along the branches; petioles 20-35 mm long; blades large 8-22 x 4-11 cm, subcoriaceous, suborbicular to elliptic-oblong, acute at apex, oblique to slightly cordate at base, margin sparsely and remotely denticulate, rugose, scabrous with tubercles and occasional trichomes above, silvery to yellowish gray stellate-tomentose below, 8-12 pairs of lateral veins. Inflorescences axillary, rounded, umbellate, clusters of 8-14 heads. Heads with 9-12 florets, single or in groups of 2-3 on stout peduncles of a uniform length giving an umbellate appearance to inflorescences; involucres ovoid to turbinate with neck constricted, ca. 10 x 4-6 mm; phyllaries closely imbricate in 7-8 series, subpersistent, brown (when dried), glabrate, margin sparsely ciliate, slightly darkened, tomentulose at apex, outer ones triangular to obovate with lateral wings, acute to slightly acuminate at apex, inner ones narrowly elliptic to linear, subacute to apex. Corollas glabrate with scattered glands at the juncture of tube and lobes and on upper surface of lobes tips, tube 5-6 mm long, lobes 2.5-3.5 mm long; anthers ca. 5 mm long, basal auricles sharply caudate, 1-1.5 mm long. Pappus light straw-colored, distinctly biseriate, inner bristles filiform, ca. 9 mm long, outer bristles irregular, filiform, 0.5-1.5 mm long. Achenes ca. 3.5 mm long, angled, costate, gland-dotted.

  • Discussion

    Piptocarpha robusta is most similar in floral and involucre morphology to P. rotundifolia, but its achenes are very similar to those of P. ramiflora and P. brasiliana. The species in ser. Piptocarpha and Rotundifoliae are related, but differences in habit, vegetative and reproductive morphology support their separation at the series level. This species is distinguished by large ovoid to turbinate heads in umbellate inflorescences; large, subcoriaceous, suborbicular to elliptic-oblong leaves; and winged lower phyllaries.

  • Distribution

    Piptocarpha robusta is found in southern Bahia and southeastern Minas Gerais (Fig. 11). It grows in forests. Flowering and fruiting occur chiefly in May and Jun. Selected specimens examined. Piptocarpha robusta is only known from the type collections.

    Brazil South America| Minas Gerais Brazil South America|