Cryptomitrium tenerum (Hook.) Austin

  • Authority

    Bischler, Hélène, et al. 2005. Marchantiidae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 97: 1--262. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Cryptomitrium tenerum (Hook.) Austin

  • Synonyms

    Marchantia tenera Hook., Platycoaspis tenera (Hook.) Lindb.

  • Description

    Species Description - Thallus 4-8 mm wide, yellowish green with purplish margins. Branching dichotomous and by apical adventitious branches, especially after initiation of archegoniophores. Epidermal cells thin-walled. Epidermal pores 120-150 µm diam., with 3-4 rings of 6-9 cells, radial walls hardly thickened. Air chambers in 1-4 layers. Ventral scales purplish, with oil cells, without marginal papillae, with single, filiform appendage, 1-3 cells wide basally, with row of 4-12 cells apically. Monoecious. Archegoniophore receptacle nearly disciform, very shallowly 2- to 6-lobed, with compound epidermal pores on dorsal side. Spores 60-65 µm diam., yellow-brown, with smooth areoles. Elaters with 3-4 helical bands.

  • Discussion

    Distribution and ecology: Cryptomitrium tenerum is known from U.S.A. (California, Washington), Mexico (Querétaro), Guatemala (Haupt, 1942), Costa Rica (Haupt, 1942), Chile (Aisén: Montagne, 1850; O’Higgins, Valparaiso), and Argentina (Salta; Hassel de Menéndez, 1963). The species is common in California but rare in tropical America. It has been collected on mountain rocks in rather mesic, seasonal climates, in forest on limestone, between 1500 and 2500 m.

  • Distribution

    Querétaro Mexico North America| Michoacán Mexico North America| Aisén Chile South America| Valparaíso Chile South America|