Endlicheria griseosericea Chanderbali

  • Authority

    Chanderbali, Andre S. 2004. (Lauraceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 91: 1-141. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Endlicheria griseosericea Chanderbali

  • Type

    Type. Ecuador. Napo: Archidona, Volcan Sumaco, km 50 along road between Hollfn and Loreto, Guagua Sumaco Community, 1300 m, 5 Feb 1992 (fl [male]), Rubio & Alvarado 2395 (holotype: MO; isotypes: F, G, GH, HBG, K, MO, NY, P, QCNE, U, US).

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Ex affinitate Endlicheriae sericeae et specierum affinium floribus urceolatis et antheris obovatis distinguenda.

    Species Description - Trees to 30 m. Branchlets stout, midway along flush 5-7 mm diam., angular, densely grey to yellowish sericeous, the surface concealed by the indument cover, the hairs short, to 0.2 mm, straight, appressed to ascending; terminal buds plump, 0.4 × 0.4 mm, densely sericeous. Leaves alternate, widely and evenly spaced along current flush; petioles robust, to 4 × 0.3 cm, semi-terete, the indument as on branchlets; laminae chartaceous, or membranaceous, plane, elliptic to obovate, 15-30 × 5-13 cm, the base obtuse, or acute, briefly decurrent, the apex acute, or obtuse, acuminate for up to 2 cm, the margins minutely recurved throughout; upper surface dark olive-brown, the primary to fourth-order veins raised, their prominence decreasing with rank; lower surface densely grey to yellowish sericeous, the hairs as on branchlets, sparser on main veins, all vein orders raised, their prominence decreasing with rank; secondary veins 7-9 per side, ± evenly spaced, slightly more distant around midlamina, ascending at 50-60° (more obtuse towards apex), arcuate, distal pairs loop-connected; tertiaries roughly horizontal, between secondaries straight or forked. Staminate inflorescences evenly spaced along leafless flushes in the axils of cataphylls, to 18 cm long with 12 lateral branches, branch orders 3-4, the highest order dichasial, the flowers loosely crowded, the axes densely pubescent, the indument as on branchlets; bracts and bracteoles persistent at anthesis, ovate, sericeous; pedicels terete, to 3 mm long, those supporting secondary flowers slightly shorter. Flowers urceolate, to 2.5 mm diam., densely yellowish tomentellose; receptacle cyathiform, 2 × 3 mm, constricted below tepals, densely grey-sericeous inside. Tepals chartaceous, narrowly ovate to triangular, 1.5 × 0.5 mm (the inner whorl slightly narrower), erect to spreading at anthesis, the outer surface densely pubescent, the hairs as on receptacle, reduced to a basal triangular patch in the inner whorl, the inner surface grey-tomentose, the margins and apex inside minutely papillose. Stamens of whorls I and II stipitate, 0.6 mm tall, the anthers obovate, 0.3 × 0.3 mm, glabrous, the apex truncate, the connectives broad above the 2 locelli, these suborbicular, introrse, the filaments laminar, narrower than anthers, glabrous; whorl III stamens sessile, 0.6 mm tall, the anthers oblong to obovate, 0.4 × 0.3 mm, erect, locelli 2, extrorse-latrorse, the filaments as broad as anthers, columnar, glabrous, the basal glands sessile, globose; whorl IV wanting; pistillode wanting. Pistillate inflorescence with indument and color as in staminate plants, but shorter and with fewer lateral branches, the flowers similar in size and shape; stamens sterile, smaller, glabrous or the filaments grey-tomentose; ovary glabrous; style slender, distinct from ovary; stigma minutely tri-lobed, 0.3 mm diam. Fruits borne on stout claviform pedicels of up to 1.5 × 0.4 mm; cupules hemispherical, to 1.5 × 2.5 cm, glabrous outside, sericeous inside, the margins entire; drupes ellipsoid, to 4.5 × 2.5 cm.

  • Discussion

    Endlicheria griseo-sericea is a remarkable new species in the E. sericea species group, differing from all other members by its urceolate flowers with the receptacle strongly constricted below spreading tepals, and obovate anthers with broadly truncate to retuse apices in whorl I and II stamens. The characteristic dark olive-brown color assumed by the upper leaf surface in the dry state is a useful diagnostic character, and in plants with a shiny greyish sericeous vestiture the contrast is especially striking.

    Co-occurring with Endlicheria griseo-sericea in Ecuador but reaching further north to Colombia is a vegetatively similar entity with flowers of similar size and shape, but in which whorls I and II anthers are three-locellate and whorl III anthers are four-locellate. I have refrained from describing this material, preferring instead to annotate it as cf. E. griseo-sericea, because in the only staminate collections, Acevedo et al. 1370 (F, MO, US), Henao 9 (COL), and van der Werff & Palacios 9246 (HBG, MO, NY), the anthers are devoid of pollen and the unusual androecium may be a consequence of disease or hybridization. Several pistillate plants are known- Boom & Beardsley 8449 (MO, NY), Campos & Campos 3092 (MO) Cogollo et al 2531, 6556, 7061, & 7062 (MO), Henao 21 & 281 (COL), Jorge & Torres 1270 (COL), Neill et al 12614 & 12615 (MO), Pipoly et al 17315 & 17453 (MO) Vasquez & Rojas 21920 (MO)- and whether in flower or fruit, locelli number is as in staminate plants, but I cannot rule out the possibility that pollen donors were two-locellate.

  • Common Names

    sacha palta

  • Distribution

    Medium sized to large trees of lower montane Andean forests at ca. 800-1500 m. Flowering specimens collected in August, November, and February, fruits in April, May, June, October, November, and December.

    Ecuador South America| Morona-Santiago Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Pastaza Ecuador South America| Peru South America| San Martín Peru South America|