Endlicheria verticillata Mez

  • Authority

    Chanderbali, Andre S. 2004. (Lauraceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 91: 1-141. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Endlicheria verticillata Mez

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Río Juruá, Jun 1901 (fl [male]), Ule 5584 (holotype: B-n.v.; isotypes: G, HBG, K).

  • Description

    Species Description - Trees, 3-20 m. Branchlets slender to stout, midway along flush 4-8 mm diam., terete, densely rusty hirsute, the surface barely visible, the hairs long, to 2 mm, straight, erect; terminal buds slender, 4 × 2 mm, densely pubescent, the hairs as on branchlets, ascending. Leaves closely spiraled at tips of current flush; petioles relatively short, robust, to 0.5-1 × 0.4 cm, semi-terete, the indument as on branchlets; laminae chartaceous, plane, obovate, 15-35 × 5-12 cm, the base acute or abruptly contracted into the petiole, the apex obtuse, acuminate for up to 3 cm, the margins minutely recurved throughout; upper surface olive-brown, the primary to fourth-order veins raised, their prominence decreasing with rank, or midrib and secondaries impressed, the higher-order venation prominent; lower surface moderately pubescent, the hairs as on branchlets, rigidly erect, reddish, denser on main veins, all vein orders raised, their prominence decreasing with rank; secondary veins 11-15 per side, gradually further apart towards apex, patent, diverging at 70-85° (more obtuse towards apex), arcuate to arching after midcourse, distal pairs loop-connected; tertiaries oblique to midrib, between secondaries once-forked to straight. Staminate inflorescences distally clustered in the axils of cataphylls, to 25 cm long with 12 lateral branches, branch orders 3-4, the highest order botryoid to irregular, lax, the flowers distant, the axes glabrous except for the sparsely rusty hirsute peduncle; bracts and bracteoles persistent at anthesis, lanceolate, sparsely rusty hirsute, glabrous after second-order branches; pedicels terete, to 2 mm long, those supporting secondary flowers slightly shorter. Flowers campanulate, 3 mm diam., glabrous outside; receptacle cyathiform, 0.8 × 0.6 mm, glabrous inside. Tepals chartaceous, ovate, 1 × 0.8 mm, spreading at anthesis, the inner surface glabrous, the margins papillose. Stamens of whorls I and II stipitate, 0.6 mm tall, the anthers transversely oblong, 0.4 × 0.5 mm, glabrous, the apex truncate to emarginate, the connectives level with or reduced between the 2 locelli, these suborbicular, introrse, the filaments laminar, narrower than anthers, sparsely grey-tomentose; whorl III stamens stipitate, equal to outer whorls, the anthers depressed-oblong, erect, locelli 2, extrorse-latrorse, the filaments narrower than anthers, laminar, sparsely grey-tomentose, the basal glands sessile, globose; whorl IV wanting; pistillode fusiform. Pistillate inflorescence with indument and color as in staminate plants, but shorter and with fewer lateral branches, the flowers slightly deeper; stamens sterile, smaller; ovary glabrous, ovoid; style slender, distinct from ovary; stigma broadly tri-lobed, 0.6 mm diam., the lobes minutely papillose. Fruits borne on terete pedicels of up to 6 × 4 mm; cupules shallowly hemispherical to patelliform, to 0.3 × 1 cm, glabrous inside and outside, the margins entire; drupes ellipsoid, to 3.5 × 1.5 cm.

  • Discussion

    Endlicheria verticillata shares glabrous flowers with E. arachnocome and E. arunciflora, but on account of its long hirsute vestiture and subsessile leaves with prominent tertiary and fourth-order veins above is best compared to E. bracteata, a species with densely pubescent inflorescences and rather different flowers (see above).

  • Common Names

    moena, muena amarilla, pucacuro caspi, louro abacate, louro cedro, louro jambo

  • Distribution

    Small to medium-sized trees of flooded lowland forests throughout central Amazonia at ca. 90-200 m. Flowering March to October, fruits available from August to the following June.

    Colombia South America| Amazonas Colombia South America| Peru South America| Loreto Peru South America| Ucayali Peru South America| Brazil South America| Acre Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America| Rondônia Brazil South America|