Calliergonella lindbergii (Mitt.) Hedenäs

  • Authority

    Hedenäs, Lars. 2003. Amblystegiaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 89: 1--107. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Calliergonella lindbergii (Mitt.) Hedenäs

  • Type

    Type. Sweden. Near Stockholm, S. O. Lindberg s.n. (Bryaceae Scandinaviae Exsiccatae) (lectotype, S, designated by Hedenäs, 1992b).

  • Synonyms

    Hypnum lindbergii Mitt., Hypnum arcuatum Hedw.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants medium-sized or large; green, pale green, yellowish, or brownish. Stem irregularly or irregularly pinnately branched in one plane; pseudoparaphyllia broad, with broadly square or rounded, often irregular apex; axillary hairs with 1-4-celled upper part, this hyaline when young. Stem leaves falcate (gradually curved), erect-spreading, often ± complanate at least in their basal parts, narrowing gradually from ovate or ovate-oblong base to acuminate or short-acuminate apex, not plicate, concave; margin finely denticulate in upper 10-20%, entire below; costa short, double or occasionally single, reaching at most 30% of way up leaf; median laminal cells 52.5-115.0 × 3.5-7.0 µm, thin-walled and eporose or slightly incrassate and porose; alar cells differentiated, numerous, strongly inflated, hyaline; alar group well delimited, square or transverse-short-triangular; reaching from leaf margin 30-50% of distance to leaf middle at insertion. Inner perichaetial leaves narrowing gradually to short- or long-acuminate apex. Exostome outside cross-striolate in lower part. [Sporophytes not known from neotropical material.]

  • Discussion

    Calliergonella lindbergii has been reported from Brazil (Schafer-Verwimp, 1989), from two closely situated localities. Compared with other species of Amblystegiaceae, Calliergonella lindbergii is characterized by mostly distinctly falcate leaves that are often somewhat complanate in their basal part; a short, double costa; relatively narrow laminal cells; well-delimited alar groups consisting of strongly inflated, hyaline cells; and a well-developed hyalodermis of the stem. This species is unlikely to be confused with any other species of the family.

    Crum & Anderson (1981: p. 1171), Nyholm (1965: p. 593).

    Distribution and Ecology: Brazil (1400-1450 m a.s.l.). In S America only known from Brazil. Widespread and often common mainly in temperate areas of N America and Eurasia. In S America the species was found with Sphagnum in grassy areas on wet humus and in a swamp. Otherwise it grows on sandy or loamy soil, or on organic material; in moist or wet and usually rather nutrient-rich habitats; in meadows, in ditches, on roadsides; and on brook, river, or lake shores.

  • Distribution

    Brazil South America| Santa Catarina Brazil South America|