Hedenäs, Lars. 2003. Amblystegiaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 89: 1--107. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Type. Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske. The name is a diminutive of Calliergon, the genus from which C. cuspidata was originally split off.
Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
Genus Description - Plants medium-sized to large; green, yellow green, or brownish. Stem pinnately or sometimes irregularly branched ± in one plane; central strand present; hyalodermis present, well developed; pseudo-paraphyllia foliose; paraphyllia absent; rhizoids smooth, slightly branched, inserted at or just below leaf costa insertion; axillary hairs with 2-6 upper hyaline cells. Stem leaves at least in their basal part ± complanate or sometimes imbricate, either straight with ± oblong-ovate base (then narrowing abruptly to rounded or acute or apiculate apex) or falcate (gradually curved) with ovate or oblong-ovate base (then narrowing gradually to acuminate or short-acuminate apex), not plicate, ± concave, hardly or distinctly decurrent; margin plane or somewhat incurved near leaf apex, entire or near leaf apex finely denticulate; costa double and short, thin, rarely absent; median laminal cells linear, unistratose, thin-walled or incrassate, eporose or porose, smooth; alar cells differentiated, numerous, strongly inflated, hyaline (when old sometimes brownish); alar group well delimited, quadrate or short-rectangular or transverse-short-triangular. Branch leaves smaller than stem leaves; proximal branch leaves broadly ovate to almost orbicular. Dioicous. Perigonial leaves narrowing ± abruptly from ovate or broadly ovate basal part to acuminate apex. Inner perichaetial leaves narrowing gradually to short-or long-acuminate apex, plicate; margin unbordered at shoulder, entire or finely denticulate above; costa single, usually weak, short; vaginula with paraphyses. Calyptra naked. Seta long, orange or reddish; capsule broadly cylindrical, usually swollen when mature, deeply longitudinally furrowed when dry, curved and ± horizontal; annulus separating; operculum conical. Exostome well developed; teeth cross-striolate below, papillose above; margin dentate above. Endostome well developed, with high basal membrane; segments not or narrow-perforate along midline; cilia 2-4, well developed, appendiculate at least in their upper part. Spores 12.0-21.0 µm, finely papillose. [Sporophytes not known from neotropical material.]
Calliergonella includes two species that occur mainly in the northern temperate zone (cf. Hedenäs, 1992b). Both species are known from higher altitudes in tropical S America, and one of them also occurs in Africa.
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