Batocarpus amazonicus (Ducke) Fosberg

  • Authority

    Berg, Cornelius C. 2001. Moreae, Artocarpeae, and (Moraceae): With introductions to the family and and with additions and corrections to Flora Neotropica Monograph 7. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 83: 1-346. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Batocarpus amazonicus (Ducke) Fosberg

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Pará: Obidos, Parana below Obidos, 3 Jan 1916 ([male]), Ducke MG 15922 = RB 13077 (lectotype, Emygdio de Mello Filho & Emmerich, Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, Nov. Ser. Bot., No. 37: 6. 1968, R; isolectotypes, B, G, K, MG, NY, U, US).

  • Synonyms

    Batocarpus maranhensis Emmerich, Anonocarpus amazonicus Ducke

  • Description

    Species Description - Tree, to 30 m tall. Leafy twigs 1.5-6 mm thick, sparsely to densely and minutely puberulous, some of the hairs uncinate. Lamina oblong to elliptic, 5-26 × 2.5-13 cm, broadest above the middle, ± inequilateral, subcoriaceous; apex acuminate; base obtuse to rounded to subcordate; margin subentire to repand to irregularly crenate; upper surface sparsely (especially on the midrib) to rather densely puberulous to (subtomentellous); lower surface sparsely, on the main veins mostly more densely puberulous, some of the hairs uncinate; venation slightly prominent above, the main veins or also the smaller veins prominent beneath; lateral veins 8-14 pairs; tertiary venation partly scalariform; petiole 0.3-1.5 cm long, ca. 1-2.5 mm thick, densely puberulous, some of the hairs uncinate, the epidermis sometimes flaking off; stipules 0.2-0.6 cm long, puberulous (to hirtellous), caducous. Staminate inflorescences: peduncle 0.6-1 cm long, ca. 1 mm thick, densely, white to pale brown-puberulous; spike 8-22 cm long, ca. 2-4 mm thick; tepals free, 3-5,0.5-1.5 mm long, minutely puberulous; stamens 1 or 2; filaments ca. 1 mm long; anthers ca. 0.4-1 × 0.25-0.5 mm, the connective glandular at the apex; bracts narrowly to broadly spathulate to subpeltate, 0.5-1.5 mm long, with 2 embedded yellow dye-containing "glands," puberulous. Pistillate inflorescences: peduncle 0.7-1.5 cm long, ca. 2 mm thick, densely puberulous; head globose to ellipsoid, ca. 1-2 cm diam.; perianth ca. 5 mm long, subentire to 4-lobed, densely puberulous to subvelutinous outside and inside, the upper part with embbeded, yellow dye-containing "glands"; ovary puberulous; style ca. 1 mm long; stigmas subulate, ca. 3 mm long; bracts oblong to subrectangular (to subpeltate), 2-4 mm long, with 1 or 2 embedded yellow dye-containing "glands," the apex puberulous. Fruiting perianth 1-1.3 cm long; pericarp subcoriaceous, with accumulation of yellow dye; seed ca. 6-8 × 5-7 mm, flattened; testa adnate to the pericarp; hilum large (?).

  • Common Names

    mururé mole, Murure, leche caspi, mashonaste, mashonaste, sacha ishpingo, mashonaste, mashonaste negro, Murure, quecho amarillo, Murure, quecho amarillo, Murure, mururehuasa

  • Distribution

    In the Amazon Basin, whence it extends to Maranhão (Brazil) and French Guiana; in non-inundated or, in Peru, also in seasonally inundated (tahuampa) forest; at low elevations.

    French Guiana South America| Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Sucumbíos Ecuador South America| Cusco Peru South America| Huánuco Peru South America| Loreto Peru South America| Maynas Peru South America| Madre de Dios Peru South America| San Martín Peru South America| Ucayali Peru South America| Brazil South America| Acre Brazil South America| Amapá Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Maranhão Brazil South America| Mato Grosso Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America| Bolivia South America| Beni Bolivia South America| Cochabamba Bolivia South America| Pando Bolivia South America| La Paz Bolivia South America| Santa Cruz Bolivia South America|